It’s nothing moar than a muzzle by rich people…..they want to silence us
Future generations will dig up landfills to find masks, plastic bottles
and diapers
Fuck the government
It’s nothing moar than a muzzle by rich people…..they want to silence us
Future generations will dig up landfills to find masks, plastic bottles
and diapers
Fuck the government
C_A washouts don’t salute
Lots of Hutterites out here speaking that low German
That’s a dude
Wait………………………vaccine made in commie Michigan?
I wouldn’t give it to my dog
Commies piss in the vax
Michigan made vax…….kek
They can’t build a car
Suck it commies
For shame Nancy……you put your whole fam in danger
Not sure dry ice is would keep it -70 degrees