Anonymous ID: 2a217a Dec. 13, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.12007124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7141 >>7210 >>7287 >>7313 >>7483 >>7660 >>7713

This tells us Biden is going to continue with the propaganda and control Obama put in, along with the attack and taking away free speech


More Silicon Valley Insiders Added to Biden Transition Team

Allum Bokhari12 Dec 2020


After an election year in which the tech giants repeatedly interfered in the election against President Donald Trump, Joe Biden is now rewarding Silicon Valley by appointing insiders to a range of roles in his transition team.


Shortly after election night, the Financial Times reported that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is being considered to lead a key tech task force inside the White House.


As Politico recently reported, four more Google and Facebook employees have been added to Biden’s transition team.


They are : Zaid Zaid, a Facebook public policy official, Chris Upperman, a Facebook manager, Rachel Lieber, a Facebook director and associate general counsel, and Deon Scott, a Google program manager who also worked in the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


This is just the latest news of the Biden team’s efforts to court current and former Silicon Valley employees.


As Breitbart News previously reported, plenty other alumni of big tech, including former executives at companies like Amazon and Airbnb, are also expected to join the Biden transition team:


A recent report outlines the number of Big Tech executives that are expected to join Joe Biden’s transition team in the coming weeks. The team includes insiders from the entire range of Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe.


A report published by Protocol has revealed that a huge number of Big Tech executives are expected to join Joe Biden’s presidential transition team, with Protocol stating there’s “definitive Silicon Valley representation and thought leaders on tech issues involved in shaping the future of the federal government. ”


Notable tech execs joining the transition team include:


Tom Sullivan, Amazon’s director of international tax planning (State Department)

Brandon Belford, Lyft’s senior director to the chief of staff (Office of Management and Budget)

Divya Kumaraiah, Airbnb’s strategy and program lead for cities (Office of Management and Budget)

Will Fields, Sidewalk Labs’ senior development associate (Treasury Department)

Nicole Wong, former Google and Twitter, former Obama Deputy Chief Technology Officer (Office of Science and Technology Policy)

Martha Gimbel, senior manager of economic research at Schmidt Futures (Council of Economic Advisers)

Linda Etim, senior adviser at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (team lead for International Development)

This comes after Silicon Valley companies intervened in the election on behalf of Joe Biden. In addition to Twitter and Facebook both burying the New York Post’s reporting on the Biden family’s financial ties to Ukraine and China, Google also suppressed conservative news sources.


Six months before the election, following a major change to its core search algorithm, clicks and impressions to Breitbart News from Google searches for “Joe Biden,” dropped to zero and stayed their through election day. Prior to Google’s update, clicks and impressions from the search term saw a normal pattern of activity.

Anonymous ID: 2a217a Dec. 13, 2020, 4:41 a.m. No.12007134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More bullshit from the press, they’re doubling down now


Clarence Page: Hunter Biden Story ‘a Nothing Burger in Search of Being a Something Burger’

Ian Hanchett12 Dec 2020


On Friday’s “McLaughlin Group,” Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page stated that the Hunter Biden story is “a nothing burger in search of being a something burger.” And denied that members of the press tried to bury the Hunter Biden story.


After saying that he thought the New York Post story was a “nothing burger,” Page stated, “Well, Tom, let’s just adjust my former view to a nothing burger in search of being a something burger. But we aren’t nearly there yet. We don’t know — we’ve got the New York Post’s reporting. It didn’t make the case. The FBI hasn’t made their case yet. So, I’m waiting to see it.”


He continued, “But as far as members of the press trying to bury the Hunter Biden story, no. It’s been investigated and re-investigated. And sometimes, when your competing newspaper or whatever doesn’t really have the story nailed down, you just move on to something else, and that’s what’s happened.”

Anonymous ID: 2a217a Dec. 13, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.12007167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7287 >>7313 >>7483 >>7660 >>7713

WTF is wrong with the UK?


NHS Charities Together has raised eyebrows with a disturbing advert showing Santa Claus in hospital struggling to breathe with Covid-like symptoms.


The federation of charities supporting the British socialised state healthcare provider, officially the Association of NHS Charities, gained some prominence over the course of the pandemic after Second World War veteran Captain Sir Thomas ‘Tom’ Moore raised £30 million for the NHS through it ahead of his 100th birthday.


While the organisation boasts of giving “£1million a day to the NHS” to provide “vital funds to help the NHS do more”, it has also produced a disturbing fundraising video for Christmas titled ‘The Gift’ featuring an elderly man later revealed to be Santa Claus on the brink of death in hospital.


The advert begins with an unconscious Father Christmas being rushed through a hospital corridor on oxygen while one of the clinicians around him — fully kitted out in masks and face shields — asks “Is he responding?”


He is later seen struggling around the hospital in a walker and answering letter from children from his hospital bed as he his nursed back to health, with his identity being confirmed when he sends a present to a nurse after he is discharged.


“Are you so deluded on your own hype you can’t see how disgusting this is NHS?” commented one social media user quoted by The Sun.


“The NHS have now hijacked Santa and given him Covid to raise money for their charity… Guaranteed to scare the hell out of little ones if they watch it,” added another.


“Disgusting idea that targets the fears of the very young. Massive own goal.”


The charity has for the time being stuck by its traumatic Christmas message, however, insisting that it was “delighted to share our Christmas campaign and video, which has been made possible thanks to generous brand partners.”


“We adore the ad and dedicate it to all NHS workers who’ve given everything to care and keep us safe,” they added.

Anonymous ID: 2a217a Dec. 13, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.12007179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183 >>7194 >>7287 >>7313 >>7483 >>7660 >>7713

Issa: China Has ‘Three-Tiered’ Program with ‘Hundreds of Thousands of People That Act Like Spies’

Ian Hanchett11 Dec 2020



On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” Rep.-elect Darrell Issa (R-CA) stated that China has a “three-tiered program” of spying that consists of “hundreds of thousands of people that act like spies that are coordinated by China.”


Issa said, “China has a three-tiered program. They have professional spies, they have their various companies that they send over that act like spies, and then they have a network of tens of thousands of students, who are, in fact, interrogated when they go home for the summer and whose families are still in China. You put that all together, it’s not just a few spies, it’s hundreds of thousands of people that act like spies that are coordinated by China. It’s aggressive. It isn’t just looking at government. It’s also looking at every part of our enterprise, every part of our business operations.”

Anonymous ID: 2a217a Dec. 13, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.12007293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You know how POTUS says he should have opposed the wall, because then politicians would vote for it? I have a feeling that this, is that


Now I really wonder what’s in it.


Senate Passes NDAA with Veto-Proof Majority

Reagan McCarthy | Dec 11, 2020 2:00 PM


After some debate and controversy, the Senate passed the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which appropriates the Department of Defense’s budget, in a stop-gap spending measure. Both the House and Senate approved the annual legislation with bipartisan support, after President Trump threatened to veto the package, with a substantial majority. If the president were to follow through on his threat, Congress has a veto-proof majority supporting the NDAA. The prospect of additional COVID relief looms as negotiations continue to stall.


GOP Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) threatened the legislation, but Senate Republicans celebrated the annual authorization passing with bipartisan support, even with the president's opposition.