makes anon wonder how many of the 216,000 sealed indictments are for embedded CCP spies.
ok anons, first off, God Bless you all on this beautiful Sunday morning.
where do anons stand on Bill Barr?
is POTUS distancing himself for when BB drops the hammer via Durham or is BB just another CIA spook swamp critter?
I'm leaning to the latter at this point.
BOSS is like listen here you little cock sucker, STFU while I am speaking.
Kilmeade is a little squirmy bitch imo.
good advice anon, I can't seem to make heads or tails of anything at this point. hoping and praying for a Christmas Miracle/Surprise. Can you imagine what a wonderful Christmas present to America it would be if POTUS finally gives the go ahead and the hammer drops on all of these deep state swamp rats while they are home and on "break". It would be Glorious.
Did Flynn already appear on Maria?
How do states and politicians confirm an election where corruption and irregularities are documented throughout? A Swing State hustle!