So, Hannukah (Hebrew Festival of Light) runs from 12/10 to 12/18. As 12/10 has already past, are we expecting a large blast of LIGHT on 12/18? Datefagging has NEVER paid off around here. Anyone who's been here long enough knows that. We've already past the 12/8 safe harbor date for the Electoral College, as well. Now that SCOTUS has given POTUS the direction he needs, is everything from now until 12/20 simply more theatre? To push the Overton Window incredibly far past any chance of misunderstanding? To this anon, the vast majority of American citizens (you know, legitimate, legal voters) are well past mis-understanding. A smaller but still significant portion of that vast majority is currently fully ready to bear arms and use them. The Arrests or GTFO shills are probably coming in their hands right now. But that first fucking BIG ASS arrest has a little more than 30 days left to occur, 32 exactly.
Be certain you are prepared. Have a minimum of these items laid in as supplies/resources:
a) rifles/shotguns and ammo (if you are so inclined)
b) beer and/or liquor (for holding up or for celebrating, either way)
c) popcorn (you know it, POTUS knows it, we all know it)
d) pretzels (good backup/alternative to popcorn, great with beer)
e) short-range short-wave hand-held radio (yup, it could be necessary)
What else have I forgotten, anons?