Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.12009454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9476 >>9529

CHINK NAMES - GET DIGGING - who is in the USA?



1,"Tao Lingxia","Female","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Huangpu District Party Committee Propaganda Department Branch Committee" ,310110198305082041,"Room

601, No.24, Lane 1160, Songhuajiang Road",13795206049,null,"Graduate student"

2,"Lu Qingyi","Male","Han nationality","Shanghai","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Party Branch ",310102195310292031,null,13621647402,null,"University"

3,"Yao Maohua","Male","Han","Shanghai","The Third Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",310103192904081218,null,null, null,"General High School"

4,"Wang Hailing","Female","Han","Shanghai","Party Branch of the Clothing Section of Huangpu District People's


5,"Yang "Fu Dun", "Male", "Han", "Jiangsu Taicang", "Second Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


6,"Xu Jingyan","Male","Han","Shanghai","Incumbent Party Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Planning and Land Administration of the Communist Party of

China", 310103197601282410,"Chang Room 201, No. 50, Lane 395, Lidong Road",13601621253,null,"University"

7,"Qian Huaan","Male","Han","Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the CPC Huangpu District Commerce Commission",


8,"Song Weifu","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Civil Defense Office Branch",310110196309098615,null,null,null,"University"

9,"Wang Wen","Female", "Han","Zhejiang","The Branch of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of


10,"Zhou Jianqiang","Male","Han","Shanghai","Chinese Communist Party "Incumbent Party Branch Committee of Huangpu District Planning and Land Management


11," Yang Haixia ","Female","Han","Shanghai","Propaganda Department of CPC Huangpu District Committee News Center Branch


12,"Zhang Ying","Female","Han","Shanghai","The Second Branch Committee of the Women's Federation of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",31010919240516042X ,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

13,"Zhang Peilin","Female","Han","Shanghai","The Retirement Branch Committee of the Organization Department of the Huangpu District Committee of the

Communist Party of China",310103195412071666,null,null,null,"University"

14,"Zheng Ruili","Female","Han","Shanghai","Luwan Worker of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions Club Branch

Committee",310104195712230020,null,null,null,"secondary college"

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.12009476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9486 >>9491



CHINK NAMES - GET DIGGING - who is in the USA?



15,"Wang Yongkang","Male","Han","Zhejiang","The First Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China",

310101193101223632, null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

16,"Xie Yunong","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Health Bureau Party

Branch",310101195712160414,null,null,null,"College"310101193101223632,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School" 16,"Xie

Yunong","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Health Bureau Party Branch",310101195712160414,null,null,null,"College

"310101193101223632,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School" 16,"Xie Yunong","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Health Bureau Party

Branch",310101195712160414,null,null,null,"College "

17,"Zhou Ronggen","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Court Retired Third Party Branch",310103195411240413,null,null,null,"College"

18,"Wang Wenbin","Male", "Han","Shanghai","Party Branch of Huangpu District Construction and Transportation


19,"Chen Jie","Male","Han","Jiangsu","Huangpu District Veterans Bureau Activity Center Branch", 310101195411033614,null,13524600483,null,"University"

20,"Xia Mingna ","Female","Han Nationality","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Party Committee Propaganda Department Branch Committee",320203198006091822


21,"Zhu Xiaoqing","Male","Han","Jiangsu Yangzhou","Incumbent Branch Committee of Organization Department of CPC Huangpu District

Committee",321081198307160317,null,null,null, "Graduate Student"

22,"Ye Qianxun","Male","Han","Shanghai","The Fourth Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Commerce Commission of the Communist Party of China",


23,"Cheng Shunhuan","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District People's Court Retired No. One Party Branch",612101193907170616,null,null,null,"Secondary


24,"Zhang Qian","Female","Han","Shanghai","The First Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party

of China", 310101198308221047 ,null,null,null,"University"

25,"Ma Rongxiang","Male","Han","Zhejiang Shaoxing","Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",31010219521003529X,null,null,null, "College"310101198308221047,null,null,null,"University" 25,"Ma Rongxiang","Male","Han","Zhejiang Shaoxing","The

Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China",31010219521003529X,null,null,null

,"College"310101198308221047,null,null,null,"University" 25,"Ma Rongxiang","Male","Han","Zhejiang Shaoxing","The Second Retired Party Branch of the

Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China",31010219521003529X,null,null,null ,"College"

26,"Fan Qingshan","Male","Han","Shandong","Huangpu District Civil Affairs Bureau Party Branch",310108196306054113,null,13918047734,null,"University"

27,"Guifengbo","Male ","Han","Shanghai","The Retirement First Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Archives Bureau of the Communist Party of


28,"Xu Yihui","Female","Han"," Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China", 310103198004290046, "Room 1803, No. 15, Lane 388, Luban Road", 13386198610, null, "University"

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.12009486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9493


29, "Zhou Yi", "Male", "Han" ,"Shanghai","The First Retirement Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions of the Communist Party

of China",310101194612063639,null,null,null,"College"

30,"Chen Minhua","Male","Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Housing Security and Housing Administration Bureau Second Branch Committee",

310103195703181611, "Room 1901, No. 2, Lane 18, Nantangbang Road, Luwan District", 1381721058, null, "College"

31,""Wu Huazhang","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retired First Party Branch of Huangpu District People's Court",310102195309194856,null,null,null,"University"

32,"Han Rufan","Male"," "Han","Cixi, Zhejiang","The Third Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China",310102193001272038,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

33,"Zhang Xiaohong","Female","Han","Jiangsu Construction Lake","The First Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of

the Communist Party of China",


34,"Lu Jianchen","male","Han nationality","Ningbo, Zhejiang","CPC Huangpu District Petition Office Branch


35,"Zheng Guizhen","Female", "Han","Zhejiang Ningbo Zhenhai","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Retirement Second

Branch",310102194810034907,null,null,null,"General High School"

36,"Xie Ping","Female","Han","Yangquan, Shanxi ","The Retired First Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Development and Reform Commission of the

Communist Party of China",310101195605303248,null,null,null,"College"

37,"Fang Guanlin","Male","Han","Shanghai","Second Branch of the Association for Science and Technology" ,310225194411146231,null,null,null,"University"

38,"Zhang Maoxin","Male","Han","Jiangsu Ganyu","Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Branch of the CPC Huangpu District",310104192901270810,"Wanping South

Road Room 1702, Building 2, Lane 19",null,null,"junior high school"

39,"Zhou Gongjin","Male","Han","Zhejiang","The First Retired Party Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the Communist Party of

China",310107192904104630,null,null,null,"Secondary Specialty"

40,"Xu Lin","Female","Han",null,"The Second Incumbent Branch of the Huangpu District Development and Reform Commission of the Communist Party of China


41,"Yu Guifang","Male","Han","Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Congress of the CPC Huangpu

District",310104192801230827,null ,null,null,"College"

42, "Lin Suo", "Male", "Han", "Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang", "The Third Retirement Party Branch of the Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 310103194408161218, "Room 1102, No. 12, Lane 265, Xietu East Road", null ,null,"Secondary Specialty"

43,"Che Yonglan","Female","Han","Shanghai","Retired Fourth Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",310102195212230080,null,null,null,"University "

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.12009493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9497


44,"Zhu Li","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch Committee of the CPPCC Huangpu District of the Communist Party of


45,"Yang Yan"," "Female","Han","Shanghai","The First Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party

of China",31010519800202162X,null,null,null,"Secondary Specialty"

46,"Wang Jun","Female","Han" ,"Shanghai","Incumbent Branch Committee of the Office of the CPPCC Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",310230197909041466,"Room 202, No.4, Lane 1199, Quxi Road",null,null,"University"

47,"Jin Yongnan","Male","Han","Shanghai Qingpu","The Fourth Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China",310102193305021211,null,13063132760,null,"College"

48,"Li Chengzhang","Female","Han"," Zhejiang","Retired Fourth Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China", 310102195311274441,null,null,null,"College"

49,"Dai Xuelin","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Science and Technology Commission The first party


50,"Chen Ruiyao","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retirement Branch Committee of the Organization Department of the CPC Huangpu District

Committee",310101195508293252,null,null,null,"secondary college"

51,"Wang Jinbao", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "Retired Party Branch of the Huangpu District Planning and Land Administration of the Communist

Party of China", 310102193901235216, "Room 501, No. 68, Lane 47, Guilin West Street", null,54206686,"University"

52," "Zhang Mingyuan","Male","Han","Shanghai","Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",310112194303250034,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

53,"Rong Yongtai","Male" ,"Han nationality","Shanghai","Retired Branch Committee of the United Front Work Department of the Huangpu District Committee of

the Communist Party of China",310103194402153217,"Room 601, No.28, Lane 411, Changli East Road",null,null,"University"

54,"Dong Ruilin"," Male","Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch Committee of the CPPCC Huangpu District of the Communist Party of


55,"Xu Chanyu ","Female","Han", "Shanghai", "Incumbent Branch Committee of Party School of Huangpu District Committee of the Communist Party of China",

310103198210226045, "Room 503, No. 12, Lane 410, Ruijin 2nd Road", 13901967295, null, "College"

56, "Jiang Yingyue"," "Female", "Han Nationality", "Hubei Jingmen", "The First Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the CPC",

420821199111090024, "Room 203, Building 24, Lane 36, Binnan Road", 18801794235, null, "University"

57, "Huang Di ","Male","Han","Jiangsu Huai'an Qinghe","Huangpu District People's Court, Minwu Division Party

Branch",320802198711072033,null,null,null,"University""Jiangsu Huai'an Qinghe", "The Party Branch of the Fifth Division of the People's Court of Huangpu

District", 320802198711072033,null,null,null,"University""Jiangsu Huai'an Qinghe", "The Party Branch of the Fifth Division of the People's Court of Huangpu

District", 320802198711072033,null,null,null,"University"

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.12009497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9506 >>9514 >>9544


58,"Zhang Jun","Male","Han",null,"Party Branch of the Second Civil Division of Huangpu District People's


59,"Hongyang","Female" ,"Han nationality","Guangzhou, Guangdong","Criminal Prosecution Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District

of the Communist Party of China",440106199108291820,null,null,null,"normal high school"

60,"Bu Qing","female", "Han nationality",null,"The Third Branch Committee of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 31011519881205192X, "Room 601, No. 18, Lane 188, Fanghua Road", null, 13564145263, "Postgraduate"

61, "Zhou Honglin" ,"Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District People's Court Party Branch of the First Civil


62,"Chen Xi'an","Male","Han", "Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Congress of the CPC Huangpu District",


63,"High Jiefang","Female","Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch of Huangpu District Veteran Cadre Bureau", 310115194903223223, "Room 601, No. 69, Lane 1669,

Zhongshan South Road", 13901756386, 13901756386, "Secondary Specialty"

64, "Shu Peng", "Male", "Han", "Anhui Xiu" "Ning","The Third Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China", 310101194410244810,null,null,null,"College"

65,"Ren Long","Male","Han","Shanghai","CCP Huangpu District National Development and Reform Commission Retired Second Branch Committee",

310103195204113235, "Room 507, 1168 Quxi Road", 15900811108, null, "University"Room 507, 1168 Quxi Road",15900811108,null,"University"Room 507, 1168 Quxi


66,"Liu Yijing","female","Han nationality","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Tourism Bureau Branch Committee",310230196303211921,null,null,null,"University"

67,"Chen Jianhua","Male"," "Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch Committee of the CPPCC Huangpu District of the Communist Party of


68,"Chen Shenyao ","Male","Han","Ningbo, Zhejiang" ,"The Second Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


69,"Shen Xinghuo","Male","Han","Shanghai","Human Resources and Society of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China The First Branch Committee of

the Security Bureau", 310109196207205613,"Room 301, No.54, Lane 1100, Zhongshan Beiyi Road", 13817637395,null,"University"

70,"Du Qin","Female","Han","Shanghai"," The Party Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade


71,"Jin Huilan","Female","Han Nationality","Shanghai","The First Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Women’s Federation of the Communist Party of

China", 310103195103212445,"Room 202, No.28, Lane 411, Changli East Road, Pudong New Area",null,null,"College"

72,"Shi Yuming","Male", "Han","Shanghai","The First Branch Committee of the Housing Security and Housing Administration of Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 31022219740512281X,null,null,null,"University"

73,"Chen Qijun ","Male","Han", "Fuzhou, Fujian","The CPC Huangpu District Tourism Bureau Branch Committee",310101195806301214,null,null,null,"College"

74, "Chen Dongrong", "Female", "Han Nationality", "Shandong Zaozhuang", "Cargo and Labor Tax Branch of the Taxation Branch of the CPC Huangpu District",

310102196901024826, "Room 601, No. 12, Lane 1218, South Yanggao Road", 13801881709, null ,"University"

75,"Yang Min","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District People's Procuratorate Political Department Branch


76,"Money "Gensheng","Male","Han","Jiangsu","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Retirement Second Branch",310102192802254038,null,null,null,"General High


77,"Xie Hui","Female"," "Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions Branch Committee",342523198104100021,null,null,null,"Master's


Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.12009506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9513


78,"Gao Jianfen","Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District People’s Court Executive Bureau Party Branch", 310104196202153242, "Room 701, No. 20, Lane

100, Yinxiao Road, Pudong New Area", null,null,"University"

79,"Li Guang","Male","Han","Henan Zhumadian","CPC Huangpu District Committee Office Branch Committee",412826198306080050,null,null,null,"Master's degree"

80,"Xu Zuhua","Male","Han","Shanghai"," Party Branch of Huangpu District Health Bureau",310101195510160096,null,null,null,"University"

81,"Xiong Lisi ","Female","Han Nationality ","Shanghai","Huangpu District People's Court Second Court Party Branch",

360102198205280728,null,null,null,"Master's degree student"

82,"Jiang Lihua","Female","Han","Shanghai","The Second Retirement Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions of the Communist

Party of China",310107195510092108,null,null,null,"College"

83,"Liu Weijia"," Male","Han nationality","Shanghai","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Retired Second Branch",310106193302210813,null,null,null,"College"

84,"Liu Liyou","Male","Han","Suqian, Jiangsu" ,"The First Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


85,"Li Jinrong","Female","Han","Jiangsu","Chinese Communist Party Huangpu District People's Procuratorate Anti-Corruption and Bribery Bureau Branch


86,"Wang Weichun","Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Judicial Bureau Party Branch",310105197902192024,null,null, null,"University"

87,"Ye Weina","Female","Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Federation of Trade Union Branch Committee",310109198601051543,null,null,null,"University"

88,"Ren Shanhuai","Female","Han","Jiangsu Zhenjiang","The Third Retirement Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the CPC Huangpu District",

310103194505282847,"Lane 4800, Pudong South Road Room 301, No. 19",null,null,"College"

89,"He Qing","Male","Han","Shanghai","Three Branches of the Old Officials of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",31010519490504201X,"Shanghai Luwan District Bureau Room 1002, No. 4, Lane 88, Menlu", null,63046689,"University"

90, "Feng Peiliang", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "The Second Branch Committee of the Retirement of the Huangpu District Archives Bureau of the

Communist Party of China", 310103193408100015, "Room 201, No. 25, Lane 257, Guiping Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai" ,null,null,"College"

91,"Hua Sufang","Female","Han","Shanghai","Party Branch of the Second Administrative Trial Chamber of Huangpu District

Court",310105196712120041,null,null,null,"University "

92,"Wang Hexi","Male","Han","Shanghai","The First Retirement Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions of the Communist Party of


93,"Tang Xiumin", "Female","Han","Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China", 310228197802193020,null,null,null,"Postgraduates"

94," Xu Jianrong ","Male","Han" ,"Shanghai","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Party Branch",310103196307101653,null,13916105447,null,"University"

95,"Ni Guohua","Male","Han Nationality","Jiangsu Xinghua","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Retired Second Branch",


96,"Zhang Hongda","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District People The Court Retired First Party Branch",310102192911245253,null,null,null,"Ordinary High


97,"Chen Faqing ","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Retired Party Branch of the Huangpu District Planning and Land Administration of the Communist Party

of China ",310103193908150051,"Room 401, No.13, Lane 650, Biyun Road, Pudong",null,63140505,"College"

98,"Xu Yuhai","Male","Han","Funing, Jiangsu","Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",310102195210101613,null,null,null,"junior high school"

99,"Zhuang Haiyan", "Female", "Han", "Shanghai", "Incumbent Branch Committee of the Organization Department of the CPC Huangpu District Committee",


100,"Guan Xiaoling","Female","Han ","Shanghai","The Branch Committee of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Huangpu District Committee",

310115198010242943,"Room 402, No. 2, Lane 1231, Linfen Road, Zhabei District", 13916948686, null, "Master's degree student"

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.12009510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9517 >>9575


101, "Jin Guoqiang", "Male" ,"Han","Shanghai","Retired Party Branch of the Huangpu District Planning and Land Administration of the Communist Party of


102,"High Outline","Male","Han"," Shanghai","The First Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


103,"Ye Ying","Female","Han Nationality ","Fujian","CPC Huangpu District People's Procuratorate Office Branch Committee",


104,"Lin Fuxing","Male","Han","Zhejiang Ningbo","Huangpu District Audit Bureau Retirement Second Branch",310102194204135230,null,null,null,"Secondary


105,"Ni Hua","Male","Han","Shanghai","The First Department of the CPC Huangpu District Housing Security and Housing Administration Bureau Branch


106, "Chen Jianyong", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "The Political Department Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of the Huangpu

District of the Communist Party of China", 310102196204234879, "Room 301, No. 23, Lane 2885, Jinxiu Road", null, null, "University"

107,"Li Yuqin","Male","Han","Jiaxing, Zhejiang","The Seventh Branch of Taxation Office of the Taxation Bureau of the CPC Huangpu


108,"Zhang Xinjiang","Male ","Han nationality","Shanghai","Huangpu District Finance Bureau First Division",310102196012083631,null,null,null,"University"

109,"Xu Yunmin","Female","Han","Shanghai","Chinese Communist Party Huangpu District Environmental Protection Bureau Monitoring Station Branch",

310104196210272022, "Room 403, Building 4, Lane 151, Nanchang Road",13661862881,null,"College"

110,"Li Yanchun","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai"," The Party Branch of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Huangpu


111,"Zhang Qi","Female","Han","Jiangsu Changshu","Huangpu District Committee Political and Legal Committee",310108196710312428,null,null,null,"College"

112,"Guo Yadi","Female","Han","Zhejiang Zhuji","CCP Huangpu District Taxation Branch Financial Management


113,"Fang Qi","Female","Han Nationality","Zhejiang Ningbo","CPC Huangpu District Archives Bureau in-service branch committee"


114, "Single Water Order", "Female", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "The Second Branch Committee of the Women's Federation of Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 310101192909280045,null,null,null,"College"

115,"Wang Taishun", "Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Party Branch Committee of the Labor Service for the Disabled in Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China", 310102193212013618,null,null,null,"General High School"

116,"Yu Laibin ","Male", "Han","Shandong","The Fourth Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party

of China",310106194207271655,null,null,null,"College"

117," Zhou Lili ","Female","Han","Zhejiang", "Retired Branch of Huangpu District Veterans Bureau",310101195211290026,null,null,null,"College"

118,"Yinbei","Female","Han","Shanghai","Luwan Workers Club of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions Branch

Committee",310103195206061627,null,null,null,"general high school"

119,"Chen Longfang","Male","Han","Zhejiang","The Party Branch Committee of the Labor Service for the Disabled in Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China",31010219360705481X,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

120,"He Cunren","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retired Second Branch of Huangpu District Commission for Discipline Inspection ",310103194702012053,"Room 1001,

No.1, Lane 448, Liyuan Road",null,13501880088,"College"

121,"Cao Xia","Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District People's Court Criminal Court Party Branch ",310105198205280023,null,null,null,"Master student"

122,"Li Chengqi","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch of Environmental Protection Bureau of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of


Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.12009517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9545 >>9575


123,"Ma Guoqiang","Male", "Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Finance Office Branch Committee",31010419540628125X,null,null,null,"Master's degree"

124,"Zhang Yanping","Female","Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Development and Reform Commission in-service Second Branch


125,"Wan Jiandong ","Male","Han","Jiangsu","Retired Branch of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China

",310101195003302811,null,13601899148,null,"secondary college"

126,"Li Weimin","male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Science and Technology Commission Second Party Branch",310102194107035633,"Madang Road 306 Lane


127,"Qin Jinfu","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Huangpu District Commission for Discipline Inspection",31010319340823243X,null,null,null,"Ordinary

High School"

128,"Cai Renxi","Female","Han","Shanghai","Retired from the United Front Work Department of the Huangpu District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Branch Committee", 310103194610122845, "Room 302, No. 8, Lane 4633, Metropolitan Road", null, null, "General High School"

129, "Chen Fang", "Female", "Han", "Shanghai", "Red Cross of the Communist Party of China Huangpu District Association Branch

Committee",340503197006082024,"2nd Floor, No.365 Madang Road, Luwan District",null,53060138,"University"the University"the University"

130,"Lu Jianping","Female","Han","Zhejiang","The Second Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


131,"Zhang Meizhen","Female", "Han nationality", "Wuzhong, Suzhou, Jiangsu", "The Third Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District

of the Communist Party of China", 310103194101012824, "Room 1601, No. 13, Lane 100, Tianlin East Road", null,null,"College"

132,"Guan Yuwei" ,"Male","Han","Shanghai","Party Branch of Huangpu District Construction and Transportation


133,"Wei Bin","Female","Han"," Hefei, Anhui","The Second Branch Committee of Public Prosecution of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 340103198103083048,null,null,null,"Postgraduates"

134,"Dong Yi","Male","Han","Shanghai","CCP The Second Branch Committee of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu

District",310101196305102051,null,null,null,"General High School"

135,"Xue Wei","Male","Han Nationality ","Shanghai","Huangpu District Sports Bureau Party Branch",310101197110250411,null,null,null,"University"

136,"Bao Hanfang ","Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Veteran Cadre Bureau Leaving Retirement Branch", 310103193408171622, "Room 1001, No. 1, Lane

384, Zhaozhou Road", 13122149947, null, "General High School"

137, "Li Naikang", "Male", "Han", "Shanghai", "The Disabled in Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China Labor Service Party Branch Committee",

310115195708182918, "Room 302, No. 1, Lane 255, Yuntai Road", 13701621738, 13701621738, "College"Room 302, No. 1, Lane 255, Yuntai Road", 13701621738,

13701621738, "College"Room 302, No. 1, Lane 255, Yuntai Road", 13701621738, 13701621738, "College"

138,"Huang Zhiping","Male","Han Nationality","Jiangsu Qidong","CPC Huangpu District Petition Office Branch


139,"Xia Ying","Female" ,"Han","Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Housing Security and Housing Administration of Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China",31010519731113130X,null,null,null,"University"

140," Duwei ","Male","Han ","Wuxi, Jiangsu","The 11th Branch of the Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the Communist Party of


141,"Chen Juchu ","Male","Han Nationality ","Zhejiang Ningbo", "The Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 31010219411024521X,null,null,null,"University"

142,"Zhou Weimin","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Office Affairs Administration No. Three Party

Branch",310110196108311619,null,null,null,"Ordinary High School"

143,"Zheng Xiaodong","Male","Han","Guangdong Shantou Chaoyang","The First Party Branch of Huangpu District Science and Technology


144,"Qiu Aizhen","Female","Han","Zhejiang Cixi","The Fourth Branch of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China Committee",310102194911202420,null,null,null,"College"

145,"Zhuang Yaohong","Female","Han","Ningbo, Zhejiang","Incumbent Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Archives of the Communist Party of

China",310109196804210840,null,null, null,"University"

146, "Song Daohong", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Feidong in Anhui", "The Branch of the 15th Taxation Office of the Huangp

Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.12009545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9555 >>9575 >>9591


146, "Song Daohong", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Feidong in Anhui", "The Branch of the 15th Taxation Office of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the

Communist Party of China", 310104196608110410, "Room 801, No. 4, Lane 776, Luban Road", 13621880346, null, "University"

147, "Sun Jun", "Male", "Han", "Shanghai", "The Third Branch Committee of the Housing Security and Housing Administration of the Huangpu District of the

Communist Party of China", 310103196708263215, "No. 9, Lane 800, Quxi Road, Luwan District Room 402",13761692728,null,"University"

148,"Yu Ziliang","Male","Han","Shanghai","Retirement Branch Committee of the East Campus of the Party School of the Huangpu District Committee of the

Communist Party of China",310103195005161613,null,null,null ,"University"

149,"Dai Xiuqing","Female","Han Nationality","Zhejiang Cixi","The Fourth Branch Committee of the Huangpu District People's Government Office of the

Communist Party of China",310110195402285525,null,null,null,"University"

150, "Chen Qi", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Zhejiang Cixi", "The 18th Branch of the Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the

Communist Party of China", 310106196209153213, "Room 1604, No. 2, Lane 818, Liyuan Road", 13641934657, null,"Junior College"

151,"Yu Huizhen","Female","Han Nationality","Zhejiang","Retired Third Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District of the Communist

Party of China",31011019510302582X,null,null,null,"College"

152,"Zhou Shihua" ,"Male","Han","Shanghai","Second Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Congress of the CPC Huangpu


153,"Cheng Houde","Male","Han" ,null,"The First Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Communist Party

of China",310101195712032455,null,null,null,"College"The First Branch Committee of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Huangpu District

of the Communist Party of China", 310101195712032455, null, null, null, "college""The First Branch Committee of the Human Resources and Social Security

Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China", 310101195712032455, null, null, null, "college"

154, "Guo Wei", "Female", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "Party Branch of Huangpu District Education Bureau", 130403197910201242, "Room 901, No. 89 Meilong

4th Village, Xuhui District", 13918458499, null, "Master "Graduate"

155,"Miao Minda","Male","Han Nationality","Zhejiang","Huangpu District Old Cadre Bureau Activity Center Branch",310102195208212816,null,null,null,"General

High School"

156,"Ye Changfa", "Male","Han","Ningbo, Zhejiang","Second Retired Party Branch of the Taxation Bureau of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China", 310102193303101218,null,null,null,"College"

157,"Jiang Yaxin","Male","Han" ,"Shanghai","The First Branch Committee of the Huangpu District People's Government Office of the Communist Party of


158,"Gu Tianyuan","Male","Han","Shanghai","CCP The Fifth Branch Committee of the Office of the People's Government of Huangpu District",

310103193212190418,"Room 204, No.1, Lane 456, Ruijin 2nd Road",null,null,"Ordinary High School"

159,"Cao Yun","Male", "Han nationality", "Shanghai", "Huangpu District People's Court of the Fourth Civil Division Party Branch", 310103196408210015, "Room

402, No. 26, Lane 1316, Nanmao Road, Pudong New Area", null, null, "University"

160, "Li Yuhua ","Female","Han","Shanghai","CPC Huangpu District Committee Office Branch Committee",310104195801124465,null,null,null,"Graduate Class"

161,"Qi Zhibin","Male","Han", "Shanghai","Party Branch of Huangpu District Health Bureau",


162,"Wang Yuqin","Female","Han Nationality","Shanghai","The Third Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Commerce Committee of the Communist Party of


163,"Zuo Hubin", "Female","Han","Shandong Jinan","The First Branch of Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the Communist Party of


164,"Yu Juming","Female","Han", "Shanghai","The Party Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Federation of Trade


Anonymous ID: 50d8fd Dec. 13, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.12009555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


165,"Lu Hanzhi","Male","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Culture Party Branch of the Bureau", 310103198008272013, "Room 502, No. 14, Lane 1688, Xinzhu

Road", 13641919648, null, "University"

166, "Zhang Helin", "Male", "Han Nationality", "Shanghai", "Planning of the CPC Huangpu District And the Retired Party Branch of the Land Management


167,"Cai Hanchen","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Retired Branch Committee of the United Front Work Department of the Huangpu District Committee of

the Communist Party of China",310102194210150810,null,null,null,"College"

168,"Zhou Qianghua","Male","Han","Shanghai","Development and Reform Commission of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China Incumbent Second

Branch Committee", 310103195702012453, "Room 402, No. 11, Lane 211, Baotun Road, Huangpu District", 13818881986, null, "University"

169, "Wang Shunlin", "Male", "Han", "Shanghai", "Huangpu The Second Party Branch of the District Science and Technology Commission", 310103194609290411,

"Room 901, No. 1, Lane 289, Hefei Road", 13501987968, null, "University"Room 901, No. 1, Lane 289, Hefei Road",13501987968,null,"University"Room 901, No.

1, Lane 289, Hefei Road",13501987968,null,"University"

170,"Wang Jian","Male","Han Nationality","Shanghai","Incumbent Branch Committee of the Party School of Huangpu District Committee of the Communist Party of


171,"Yang Dechong ","Male" ,"Han","Jiangsu Qidong","Second Branch of the Association for Science and Technology",310101193803013218,null,null,null,"General

High School"

172,"Xu Hui","Female","Han","Shanghai"," Party Branch of Huangpu District Health Bureau", 51113197212082328, "No. 11, Lane 2326, Yanggao South Road, Pudong

New District, Shanghai", 1391667518, null, "University"

173, "Shen Qiang", "Male", "Han", "Shanghai ","The Third Branch Committee of the Huangpu District Commerce Committee of the Communist Party of


174,"Xu Kanghua","Male","Han","Ningbo, Zhejiang","Safety in Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China Production Supervision and Administration

Bureau Branch Committee",310103095509082011,null,null,null,"University"

175,"Ma Jinming","Male","Han Nationality",""Jiangsu Zhenjiang","Huangpu District People's Court Administrative Court Party Branch",


176,"Yang Chunxi","Female","Han","Shanghai","CCP Huangpu District Business Committee of the Third Branch of the Party


177,"Nie Jian","Male","Han","Shanghai","The Retired Seventh Branch Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Huangpu District of the Communist Party of

China" ,310103195306112436,"3007, No.3, Lane 365, Jianjuju Road, Luwan District, Shanghai",13641883072,null,"University"the University"the University"

178,"Liu Xiao","female","Han nationality","Zhejiang Ningbo Zhenhai","CPC Huangpu District Tourism Bureau Branch


179,"Gao Jianhua","Male ","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Commission for Discipline Inspection Retirement


180,"Xu Juying","Female","Han","Shanghai","Chinese Communist Party Huangpu District Committee United Front Work Department Retirement Branch Committee",

310103193202273244,"Room 301, No.16, Lane 257, Guiping Road",null,null,"Ordinary High School"

181,"Mao Minzu","Male","Han Nationality","Zhejiang"," The Retirement Branch Committee of the United Front Work Department of the Huangpu District Committee

of the Communist Party of China",31010219520108361X,null,null,null,"University"

182,"Sun Yanhua","Female","Han Nationality","Shandong","The Committee of Financial Affairs Office of the Huangpu District of the Communist Party of China",


183,"Chen Yanting","Female","Han","Jiangsu Danyang","The First Branch of the Taxation Branch of the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau of the Communist Party

of China", 310101197304202426,null,null,null,"University"

184,"Yao Xiamei ","Female","Han","Shanghai","Retired Branch of Huangpu District Veterans Bureau ",310102195105234844,null,null,null,"Secondary College"

185,"Yang Xiaolin","Female","Han","Shanghai","Retirement Branch Committee of the West Campus of the Party School of the Huangpu District Committee of the

Communist Party of China",310107195305010046,"Puxiong Room 402, No. 2, Lane 26, Road 26",null,62443207,"College"

186,"Zhu Qiuqian","Male","Han Nationality","Jiangsu Zhenjiang","Second Party Branch of Huangpu District Office Affairs

Administration",310102195908011636,null,null,null,"General High School"

187,"Yang Yunying", "Female","Han","Shanghai","Huangpu District Commission for Discipline Inspection",310101195210101641,null,null,null,"junior high
