I can't stand all the WINNING.
I'm going to have to write Trump to complain about this.
i think you're one of the few that still doesn't know (or refuses to know).
>balked at the idea of using the military
I still refuse.
martial law = BAD even if you like the guy doing it.
Trump is such a pussy that I bet you a coke he won't do anything anyways.
And that is a good thing.
good point.
Pride is the greatest of all the deadly sins.
Before he goes, if he has any HONOR left, Trump should PARDON ASSANGE.
And maybe Snowden too.
And Ross Ulbricht, and so many more that have done nothing wrong.
Chelsea Manningโฆ.
If you ever loved Trump or Q, you should take the TRUMP VACCINE as soon as it's available to you.
And make sure all your loved ones do as well.
Never mind the fact that he put him in, Assange is a GREAT MAN regardless.
I'm more authentic than your dumbass.
just take the vaccine.
it will protect you from 'satan' too.
It definitely won't give you HIV.
or sterilize your daughter.
Besides, Trump told you to take it.
Don't you love Trump?
>Why Chelsea Manning?
she exposed the evils of the US military.
>Why Assange?
See above
he exposed the evils of the rich & powerful
he literally helped Trump win
>Why Snowden?
He exposed the evils of the NSA (although I agree that he is probably is a double agent)
If the government wanted you killed, you would and should run too.
It'r probably ok that he keeps pardoning niggers that have actually committed crimes.
just beucase some pornstar tells him to
>Snowden is a fucking traitor
explain, please.
I don't want the low IQ, Sean Hannity, FOX news response, either.
I will not take it EVER.
Trump has been full of shit on COVID since March.
i'm just calling out the dumbasses here.
if they put you in solitary confinement for a year, you might want to be a tranny too.
They fucked with her head so much that, if she wants me to call her Chelsea, no problem.
She 'earned' it.
Manning should get a FULL pardon like the druggie niggers that Trump pardons regularly, at the very least.
She did a great service to this country
Nothing, exactly ZERO, of the stuff released by WIKILEAKS was false.
The dude has a 100% perfect record.
He should be hailed as a hero.
He is a hero.
Snowden is a little trickier but he should not be prosecuted for what he did either.
If the US govt. wanted to kill you, you'd run away too.
out of the 3, the Assange pardon should be an easy SLAM DUNK decision.
I find it weird that (non FOX news watching) people would object to it.
did you watch the video?
Trump, Q's boss, wants you to take the TRUMP VACCINE.
Is that not good enough for you?
it would be hilarious if they steal this one too.
let the final leg of the collapse be swift.