There are ZERO long term human created climate issues. We do not posses the ability to add energy to this planet. Without energy input, entropy would ensue, and earth would be uniformly freezing cold and dead.
All living things above bacteria, obtain all of their energy for life from the sun and other living things.
Th e only external energy source for the earth biome is the sun. Same for geologic forces. The process of photosynthesis, driven purely by solar energy is what drives the entire ecosystem. It has access to all of the energy it needs, plus a massive surplus daily, and it is provided for free-sun light. The cycle is an intricate, self balancing feedback loop, providing an astonishing number of habitats and life forms. While some habitats are fragile, planet wide, it's strength and resilience is beyond comprehension. Man cannot destroy such a system, in fact, purposeful attempts to do so, even if seemingly effective at first, would result in unpredictable reversion to steady state, and a hyperbolic energy input curve would soon cause man to give up this folly, or face civilizational collapse.
No economic policy pursued by man, has at its core motivation climatic destruction. Therefore, you cannot "change economic policy" to change some amorphous "climate policy", and therefore achieve an "renewable energy goal", because energy consumption is about living, not fairy tales.
Humans use energy to survive and prosper. At no time in human history has a significant reduction in daily energy use per person, resulted in anything but war, plague, pestilence and famine, and an often rapid civilizational collapse.
Increased energy use per capita provides all with more time to use our minds to solve problems, which increases energy effiiciency and decreases waste. This is known as a positive feedback loop. It also causes increased productivity per manhour. A signal modern freight train could have delivered all of Gizas tons of stones, using a single 12 man crew, in a few weeks.
Renewable energy is propoganda, it does not exist as described (Green). In fact green energy's ostensible goal, reducing CO2 "emmision", is inimicable to plants. Our job in the photosynthesis cycle is to produce CO2, energizing plant growth. So renewable is not green.
Since the only energy input to earth is the sun, all other sources of energy used are entropic. What envirTatds think of as renewable, is "free, naturally occurring sources" or some such. Humans lived with those constraints for milenia ( btw, how is using wood fired not renewable energy). The technological achievement of heat cycle engines changed everything. ClimateTards believe dictating the source of heat for these engines, sources that provide less energy per hour, cost more, require massive capital outlays, and are non portable, will improve our lives. Such stupidity has never been vuluntarily undertaken in human history, because of its abundant stupidy. Using the brute force of the oppressive and souless modern state, will not make the change voluntary, efficient, or provide any benefits for the cost. It will only impoverish all.