In my research on the issue of Jews or Arabs being the the bad guys I have found that it can be filtered more so than this broad generalization that has been causing unneeded tensions and actions.
The case goes back to BABYLON!
The Khasarian had been running amuck thought the region rape, murder, stealing from travelers crossing the areas. The Russain Czar had recieved so many reports that they finally brought down the city and commanded the prisoners of war to denounce their pegan ways or face death. They agreed and as part of the agreement were to choose 1 of 3 religions of the time and area to follow as means of controlling the crimes going forward. They chose Judaism only as cover to continue their murderous ways.
This is where the confusion lies and I often wonder why the Hebrew good people help identify the the identy theives who have hijacked the Jewish name & deploy the Jewish protection agencies to hunt out those even remotely suggesting this.
I think religion by any and all orgins is stupid bait for uneducated folks to blame or obey blindly. MEANS OF CONTROL from a HIGH thug.
In this case over the course of centuries these Khasarians have rose in power and wealth by deploying the same practices that has worked for them. Deception that they exsist and blending into other cultures to steal and subjegate. NOW THESE GLOBALIST ELITE BAKEING CABALS that have interbred and perpetuated fortunes & have been responsible for trillions of deaths are attempting to continue business as usual! The porblem is they have been identified and targeted. Now in a panic they must speed up plans to acheive their ultimate goal! WHICH HAS BEEN FLOATED AS THEW GREAT RESET to start the gaslighting. WHAT HAPENS WHEN THSES PEOPLE ARE ELIMINATED AND THEIR BLOODLINES WASHED FROM EARTH?