I was really hoping the MOAB was going to be the full, unredacted release of all JFK Assassination files. Looks like we'll have to wait three more years. I still think this was the intended MOAB. It was going to clearly point the finger at three US Presidents (NIXON, BUSH & FORD) for their roles in the planning (NIXON), execution (BUSH) and cover-up (FORD) of JFK. Nixon at Clint Murchinson's house the night before, Bush at the scene of the crime, and Ford within the phony Warren Commission.
I fear 41 himself made a deal with 45 last night to keep the key documents for three more years till he passes. I think he may have agreed that his sons and relatives will keep their big mouths shut for the rest of 45's presidency. I also think 41 gave up his girl Friday - He Who Shall Not be Named. Look for him to resign from the Senate soon (completely, not at end of term). Of course due to health reasons. Part of the deal. I know Q says, "NO DEALS." But maybe this one was too good to pass up. THE ART OF THE DEAL.