They've been trying that since we got started.
It hasn't even really popped off yet, either.
Wait until everything Q has said starts being proven true to the masses.
They've been trying that since we got started.
It hasn't even really popped off yet, either.
Wait until everything Q has said starts being proven true to the masses.
I generally give no fucks what people who sound and act like this say.
But I think the negro is right.
It's what Q would say if he popped in right now playing pastor.
Now comes the righteous pain.
Think logically, anons. If anything about this is even remotely true, boss has known it all along. There is absolutely no chance that our friends in Military intelligence aren't a million steps ahead of the game and poised to capitalize on anything the dark ones try to pull. The bigger their move, the harder we pound them into unrecognizable dust.