My God, even Gen. Flynn ignores my children and I…
The courts, law enforcement, family court judges, attorneys, the FBI, social services, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities…
Hey FUCK US, amirite? Who cares if a local network of crooks is facilitating and covering up the molestation of children, right? NO BIG DEAL. Let's make some moar posts showing Hunter's dick, and some memes about Kamala sucking cock. MUCH MOAR IMPORTANT.
Nevermind that the #1 tenant of Marxism is destruction of the family-unit, which is the cornerstone of any nation. Let's just let rat-fucks like this tear apart American families and have their way with our children, right?
And remember, frens… PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL! So, don't you do anything stupid, like fight for your family, your country, or your God. That could get you in trouble with the "not corrupt at all" LEO's and alphabet fags.
How can one "HOLD THE LINE", when there isn't any line to hold anymore, and our nation is just being raped, while no one does jack-shit?
Oh before I forget… Don't forget to post about how you love the 2nd Amendment, BUT WILL NEVER ACTUALLY USE IT FOR WHAT IT'S INTENDED FOR. That's super-important.
W(they)G1(we are not allowed).