Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.12017879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7989

Trump has a simple path to Electoral College victory WITHOUT any "D" states choosing R electors


As we await Monday's electoral college vote, and no state legislatures have acted to directly appoint electors before the appointed voting day of December 14, it's relevant to consider whether the official Electoral College outcome may swing to Trump even if the Electoral College votes Monday in the "expected" way (Biden 306, Trump 232) and there isn't a single state either switching D to R or submitting a competing R slate of Electors to Congress. The answer appears to be YES!


From the 12th Amendment: "The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed". Conventionally, 538 electors are appointed, so the "winning threshold" (50% + 1) is conventionally 270 votes. But if fewer than 538 electors are appointed, then the "winning threshold" becomes a smaller number.


From a paper by Edward Foley, Ohio State University: D. The Consequence of Not Counting Any Electoral Votes from a State? Suppose, because of a cyberattack or otherwise, it is determined pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 15, that a state has failed to appoint any electors and therefore has not valid electoral votes to count. How is that state to be considered in the calculation of whether any candidate has won a "majority" of electoral votes, as required by the Twelfth Amendment? The amendment states: "the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed." Normally, the number necessary for a majority is 270 because 538 is the total number of electors nationally. But if a state chose not to participate, then presumably its number would be subtracted from the denominator of 538. Is the same true if the state wanted to participate but was prevented from doing so because of a cyberattack? What if the state thought it appointed electors, but there was a dispute about this appointment, with the consequence that Congress refused to count any electoral votes from the state?


The "expected" Electoral College vote is Biden 306, Trump 232. If the appointments from some D states are deemed null and void (either by SCOTUS, or by Congress on Jan 6), Biden's number would drop. Since this would be due to invalidation of some appointments - not electors switching votes, or alternative electors being recognized - the winning threshold (50% + 1) also falls to a smaller number. In particular, if Biden falls to 231 Electoral College votes (making it Trump 232, Biden 231) then Trump wins - without the election getting thrown to Congress for a vote by states, Trump would simply have "a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed". Game over.


This difference (306-231) is 75 electoral college votes. Interestingly, although we know there was fraud in many states, and Trump actually won many states awarded to Biden – the states we hear about (PA 20, GA 16, MI 16, AZ 11, WI 10, NV 6) total 79 electoral votes, which is a whisker over this 75 vote threshold!


This path to victory doesn't require the awarding of ANY of Biden's "swing states" to Trump. This is important, since even if the Electoral College votes exactly as expected (Biden 306, Trump 232) without even the appearance of a "competing slate" (some other Electors, not certified by a state's Governor, sending a competing set of votes to Congress), this path remains completely open. And the path is deliciously simple! All it takes is either SCOTUS or Congress to invalidate the Electoral College appointments made by these six states, on the basis that either (1) their appointment was not made in accordance with the directions in state law created by the legislature, as required by the Federal Constitution, or (2) their appointment was so tainted by fraud as to be invalid.


This is not merely that some states may have their votes thrown out, bringing Biden below 270, throwing it to the House under the 12th Amendment. If nullifying Electoral College appointments reduces the "winning threshold" below 270, this approach (nullifying votes, without replacing them with the votes of R electors) only works if Biden is brought below Trump's 232 (just striking 37 votes so Biden falls to 269 wouldn't be enough.) I find it really interesting that the states visibly in question are just enough to pass this 75 electoral college vote threshold.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.12018319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  • makes ya wonder what feinstein was doing closing off lands for "state parks"

  • grand canyon off limits

  • And pence and his brother didn't visit china 7 times (don't bother looking it up it didn't happen)

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.12018372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ccp leak drop background info


>>12018326 /pb

>>12009074 pb


We've had it for years.

The leak was first publicly available around April 2016.

Shared on a Telegram Anti-CCP group:


Message #269

File: 上海市黃俄黨偽政府人員個人信息da.7z


provided by @xiaolan

April 16, 2016

Anti CCP Base - Far East 遠東反共基地


2.7 MB

上海市黃俄黨黨員公務員個人信息集合解壓密碼 。感謝 @xiaolan 提供本文件 查詢地址





>Telegram sold out to China by allowing brute force lookup of phone number <> account name.

>With that backdoor and the staged PolyU protest by the Hong Kong Police, CCP took out the most active protesters in secret, the movement was never the same after that.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 11:37 p.m. No.12018388   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dutchsinse had predicted an earthquake in this area, of the magnitude observed, before it happened. Makes me think this was a natural earthquake, instead of evidence of the "Chinese troops in Maine bombed" story from Hal Turner. Others here have also noted the earthquake was centered many miles underground, not a near-surface event.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.12018416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8543










It never stopped. You're just aware of it now.


All CPU compromised.


Search: Intel Management Engine backdoor.

Search: AMD PSP backdoor



Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 13, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.12018429   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why do all the ships only gather on the dark side? What is wrong with the lit side?


Why did they no open her eyes - glass eye balls are not that expensive.