Anonymous ID: e5cb60 Test Dec. 13, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.12018320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8324 >>8352

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9 ID: e5cb60 Fat Archer FBI informate Dec. 13, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.12018451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


let it ran all of the thunder


This man has man is antifa… called the neighbors… his wife knows he is nuts. The police when they show up they know he is the guy that false down on the floor to sue people. He is a hacker… Black hat of the worst nature… Human trafficing black mailer. I have had it with his bs and daily gang antifa stalking tha this liberal friends do all the time. I believe it is an excuse for them to make money with government resources… I would advise people to think and understand that I know exactly who he is an have back tracked though white hate everything he has done. He sells people… and He I guess is an FBI informant… the liberal elite protect him here… because he is in OB land. He fallows me and all of his friends stalk me every day from the time I walk out the door in hopes to get a piece of dirt on me to save them from what is to come….


Today I went out and there the neighbors are with pie walking across as they complained on my street Victoria and Peter where with them… and another at the top of the hill on my street. I have my fire arm and would be happy to put a bullet in them if they walk in my house on property. However the archer is a black hat hacker that hacks my connection with the help of portland C👁️4 as quite latterly staying at Disneyland… top twitter trends have code names of LGBT Q and people that are from other countries coming mostly Colorado and the C!4 portland OR. woman does business or has with my company and this is how they complain about you.


They are all in education… and I have found Back doors to the servers they don't know it yet because they are stupid to everything they are doing. They called me up when I got new interent after looking up my connection from our employee who is paid off by China to give them info about my account and helped open my mail.


This is my life every day I walk out my door I have gang stalkers… it never stops why because they are the liberal elite getting China money in Education… they own the police from what I can tell other then the ones my family knows from personal business lucky this has been enough to hold them off as well as our employees… They try to film you and provoke you… constantly… always saying crap… Please contact me if you want major university and yes the highest of the high involved


and Archer… as he calls himself FBI informant constantly harasses me… and is antifa communist. Person… He has been given a new Identity by the former powers inplace… I have come to my wits end about and have money not broke how do you solve these things when the FBI and local PD harasses you because they are paid off from China… San Fran football seems to be there logos… and gone as far as placing tracking devises and camreas in my personal residence shower bathroom and post memes to try to intimidate me all the time..


I have had it… I have money they want some… I guess the FBI and CIA is totally in on Human trafficing and helping Archer… to constantly do what he is.

99.99 ID: e5cb60 fat Archer FBI CIA informant Dec. 13, 2020, 11:58 p.m. No.12018500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yep want some come and get it asshole… they all know everyone knows you sell people. And the local PD kinda has been going alone but I guess you keep fooling people about your games with your Big Bird… Michelle B… shirt with Orange cup… thinking Biden one your will hang… your done. I guess the SF PD logo and guys with lab tops are paid so much to get my data even the next doors… but it is all on you and your records of human trafficing and you you sell people Archer.

99.99 ID: e5cb60 Archer is hiding the liberal elites Dec. 14, 2020, 12:03 a.m. No.12018530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have it all the voting everything… on the computer here now I am typing on as well as much more.


Archer the FBI CIA informant is gang stalking me and sells people all the time… I have anything that was not already had… and I have no VPN going so what they know who I am Archer keep gang stalking me you are going to hang… just like the others traitors that sell people. I saw you on your reddit selling people and so on… Dogs are your thing that is how you hid them as well as other things.


Your fucked…


Keep it up and I guess the 49 ers local PD is into it to or they would stop if they know what is good for them… and as well as all the other people out of state that flock to gang stalk me… with help from CIA and FBI resources that have been hacked by China and other people…


Archer the detective that is and works at a university as far west as the US goes and is planned on moving to NZ… is all about selling people. Geology… right he is in to drilling.