Anonymous ID: 3298a8 April 26, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.1202474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At lease one post yesterday was deleted.

I wonder why.

It' about predictive programming


Started with this about the Aurora patsy



And my reply which apparently was deleted?

[it would help if I knew how to use the search feature]



I dissected the whole thing but our site is down.

Maybe after this is over I can put it back up?


Darko movie was timed with 9/11. They had to delay the movie's release because of the event. It's an hypnotic / psy-op movie. And now they are listing it as "Limited release" though it became a cult movie and was very popular.


A plane lands in Donny's bed, but you never see it. It's just suggestion or a dream of Donnie;s But you are left to wonder if it happened or not. The forensics didn't add up. Just as on 9/11


. Just as a plane was suggested via the CGI TV repeat over and over for at least a few days straight at the 9/11 event - even though there wasn't one.


Donnie's the hero, yet it appears he is being programmed to kill his girlfriend. And it's ambiguous if, at the end,he does so or not?


This is playing a trick on the viewer; creating a dissonance, a doubt.


Some people feel there was an aspect of "stockholm syndrome" in the publics reaction to 9/11 - guilt; and that was some of the mechanics behind the cover -up. The psychological manipulations which made it all feasible.


In this movie, the young person will ID with Donnie - and it ambivalent if he is guilty or not. So this lays the idea of guilt onto the viewer. The idea of not being certain of one's own innocence.


"No one is better than any other. Everyone is guilty" Those are all propaganda points.


The portrayal of the young man also connects with Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye" - that's a longer discourse. Joe Atwell does a good bit taking the mystique of that book apart in some of his interviews / discussions on -line - The connections to Masonry and to pedophilia; Salinger's background in mil intelligence.


The 9/11 event was meant to be a shock / trauma - they use that shock to program people. That movie was to program the millennials. It was very hypnotic; much as Speilberg's "Close Encounters of the 3 kind" years before [also with subtle pedophilia associations ]


You could dig into the actors, their connections there's more to it


The old lady, as compared to Donnie, seems to seduce Donny. Much like the Graduate movie of the '60;s.Older woman seduction. The same actress played in both movies. In the graduate she was the young woman and her partner was seduced by the older lady, his girlfriend's mother: "Mrs. Robinson" [must happen a lot in Hollywood?]


And in this movie, Donnie Darko, the same actress, Katherine Ross, played the older lady [the creepy therapist] who seems to hypnotize or control Donnie Darko.] as who had played the younger woman in the earlier movie.


It was creepy how they did that. I'm not sure of all the "ins and outs of it" no pun.


They seem to pair movies with the "real news" simulations?


Movies train people to "suspension of disbelief" which carries over to news they believe is real.

Anonymous ID: 3298a8 April 26, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.1202640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I also got locked out, flooding , messages deleted, endless captcha and still locked out. On an On.


They must've budgeted moar.