Anonymous ID: bffd0d April 27, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.1207387   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It doesn't matter if its perfectly square or not. The Podesta email is speaking in code among psychopaths. Psychopaths collect trophies of their kills. The subtext of the Podesta email is a minor psychopath requesting direction about what to do with the trophy from her superior psychopath, John Podesta. He admits the trophy is his, but was so insignificant a prize that the writer should just dispose of the trophy rather than get it to him. This is akin to a deer hunter who has shot so many animals in his life and on his last hunt he killed a two point buck and forgot the antlers at the lodge, and when the inn keeper asked about them, the hunter decided it's not worth the postage to mail them.