Anonymous ID: 50f9f2 Dec. 14, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.12024915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5289

>>12024411 (lb)

a lawfag can clarify or correct me, but...


The SC stated TX had no standing - not that there wasn't merit to the case. The reason they would have no standing is because the electoral college hasn't voted and, until then, it doesn't matter to TX or any other state what goes on in MI, WI, PA, or GA. Only when those four states cast their ballots has a act pertaining to the Constitution actually happened, and that's when an injury to TX and the other states actually happened, after which TX can refile and have proper standing.


tl;dr you have to have an actual injury in order to have standing and bring a case. You cannot claim injury before. Up until the point they cast the ballots, the four states could have fixed the problem.


My understanding anyway.