Anonymous ID: ca8b93 Dec. 14, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.12025681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is hogwash and anyone with logic (which includes you) would know that simply for the reason that the crisis point has already been reached. Is it not a crisis that millions of us cannot work, cannot support our families, are barely able to piece together enough to eat a Snickers bar let alone feed a family? Is it not enough that our country was infiltrated by foreign actors bent on destroying us? Is it not enough that we have American citizens working with foreign groups to destroy our country, harm our citizens, kill us from within?


There is no "crisis stage" greater than this outside of full on conflict. Are you implying a conflict must be started by them for a counter move to be made? If so then I am afraid we will simply see nothing for the next month because there is no way they jump at this point given they hold the cards, the public perception en masse, the media shield, the social media shield, the educational system shield, and can create a narrative that he is trying to coup Biden which would give them a reason to attack AND gain public approval for it thus cementing their takeover.


There is no "crisis stage" greater than right now for the everyday person. If Trump spoke with even one of us, me for example, he would see just how bad these events have been on the everyday citizen who loves their country and wants these issues handled immediately. I have one religion and that is the United States of America and I am a fanatic for my religion in that case. I am seeing it be decimated and I am not seeing the man I respect and honor do anything significant about it. Those are the facts and anyone with a logical mind who can be honest with themselves would see it. Many have suffered for these things, too many.