Anonymous ID: 8381a1 Dec. 14, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.12027041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7142

>>12026352 Dough


#15353 FINAL Notables


>>12026385 Warroom is being removed from the dough - too much drama

>>12026392 @AZGOP Today, Arizona's 11 Republican Presidential Electors convened to cast their votes for President @realDonaldTrump

>>12026394 Anon twitter account claims Solarwinds is being raided by authorities in Austin, TX

>>12026410 UPDATE and LOCAL REACTION: MI State Police Block Republican Electors From Getting Inside Capitol

>>12026436 Lin Wood - 2 out bottom of the ninth walk off grand slam..

>>12026461 This is how the lockdown will go on forever (New Variant of China Virus found in England)

>>12026485 Interpol-led Operation Busts Human Smuggling Networks

>>12026489 Supreme Court Turns Down Red State Bid to Salvage Proof of Citizenship Voter Law

>>12026521 Jenna Ellis tweet - FALSE certification!!!

>>12026532 Lin Wood - Does it anger you that GA Gov/SOS paid $89M in a 10-year contract for purchase of Dominion voting machines?

>>12026548 “We Had to Do This Because We Believe Fraud Happened”

>>12026559 GOP electors voted Trump in PA MI GA WI and NM

>>12026566 Nevada GOP Electors Cast Ballot for Trump, There Are Now Dueling Electors in Three States

>>12026580 Chinese overseas lending has fallen sharply amid a reassessment of the Belt and Road Initiative

>>12026589 Our Crisis Already is at DEFCON-3 (American Thinker article)

>>12026595 Prepare for a brief interruption in Government services

>>12026629 Statistical Model Indicates Trump Actually Won Majorities in Five Disputed States and 49.68 Percent of the Vote in a Sixth

>>12026642 White House confirms cyberattack report on U.S. Treasury by foreign government

>>12026661 Dominion Software Intentionally Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report

>>12026684 1,700 election criminals found in Georgia, but none prosecuted

>>12026708 Trump Administration Official Filed $50 Million Lawsuit Against CNN For ‘Retaliation And Discrimination’

>>12026726 Hunter Biden email shows $400G unreported income from Burisma, states he needs to 'amend' tax returns

>>12026756 , >>12026856 Notable bun from anon

>>12026775 W.H.O. Chief Tedros Could Face Genocide Charges

>>12026792 BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court says election officials were wrong; ballots may not be counted

>>12026794 they are talking about 2 cases in Wisconsin….one we won….one they lost (bannon war room)

>>12026818 BREAKING: Republicans Meet at State Capitol in Wisconsin – Vote for GOP Slate of Electors

>>12026890 Betfair Exchange has suspended further bets on the election (very telling)

>>12026887 Bernard Kerik - HISTORIC AND UNPARALLELED - PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, and NM all had GOP electors cast votes for @realDonaldTrump

>>12026841 Antivirus software on Dominion server in Antrim county was 4.5 years out of date

