Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), who has been working on the expansion for nearly two decades, introduced the Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act in 2017 and it was passed by the Democrat-held House of Congress in February 2020. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris brought companion legislation to the Senate where it recently made it out of committee on a bipartisan vote. The House has added its version as an amendment, or rider, to a pending defense spending authorization bill. Though significantly closer to becoming a reality, the expansion for now remains in something of a legislative limbo.
If it comes to pass, the act would double the amount of federally protected land in the Los Angeles-area mountains, adding an additional 300 square miles (191,000 acres) to 234 square-mile recreation area. It would buffer much of the city with protected green space. To get an idea of how simultaneously vast and urban the expanded park would be, consider that nearly half of California’s population could reach it with a two-hour drive if and when the expansion passes.