Anonymous ID: 0239e7 Dec. 14, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.12030424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ideas for Improving the Election Process

It seems to me that we need to enter the coming weeks with particular ideas fleshed out.

If the fraud is very bad, legislation might be drafted and passed very quickly.

Ideas anyone? Is this a bread or exhausted topic already?


automated real-time statistical checks for tabulated data that can trigger fraud-warnings that are actionable as a warrant to the appropriate enforcement


use of methods and technologies for maximal transparency and security, if not voting then tabulation; block-chain, open-source, extreme-robust private keys, etc. (I dunno)


a new authority or monitoring group with large numbers and some very-limited autonomy - randomly drafted from current or ex. military? A big thing to ask, but what other large group of the population would make sense to perform this service? (would it have to be state level?)


a universal open-source format for tabulation such that a national security check and statistical check is easily performed with unambiguous results