Anonymous ID: 7b8287 Dec. 14, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.12030245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0256 >>0553


The "Not so Secret" roots of the CIA / The central Banking Cartels Stasi.


NSAM-57 Sidelines the CIA and limits them to being paper pushers.


This would have been implemented except for the assassination of Kennedy.


Every president since then has failed to implement this memorandum

except for President Trump. This has sparked a war between the DOD

and the CIA.


This explains the "Server siezure" in Frankfurt Germany


The accusations are that the CIA overplayed their hand

by practicing their election rigging scheme that they have

pulled in many other countries, inside the USA.


Lewandowski and Bossie appointed to Pentagon Advisory Board.

Both are Trump Loyalists.

"The role of the Defense Business Board, which was established

in 2002, is to provide the secretary of defense and deputy

secretary of defense with independent advice and recommendations

on overall Defense Department management, business processes and

governance from a private-sector perspective."


The CIA is using "China" as a platform or a 'base of operations'

This explains why Trump is welcomed warmly by the nations while

at the same time, the "News Cycles" tout the "Turbulent Relations"


There is no threat of war from an outside country.


A history lesson:

In the 1700's, England was making a fortune selling tea around

the world. The tea was being manufactured in India, so massive

amounts of gold were being sent to India, making England,

over a period of decades, incredibly product wealthy but low on

cash reserves.

This was modern historys first "balance of trade" problem,

as they didn't have the liquidity to meet selling demands.

The solution was to sell Opium to China to replinish their gold

stocks in balance with buying tea from India which would drain

it. Business is about how much product you can move and how fast.

For more information on this topic, read 'Opium Smuggler

William Jardine.'


Sidenote: As I was searching for an online link to this book,

(I have the hardback copy only) I discovered that in 1911, a

film by the exact name "The Opium Smuggler" was made.

This is a classic CIA trick used to obfuscate anyone finding

damning information about the CIA and it's operations. Yes,

I know it wasn't the CIA at that point in time, but it's the

same operation that exists in the form of the CIA today.

The film has nothing to do with the damning information about

the drug trade or it's origins. The covers nearly always

implement a form of super-fantasy or romance so that the

mind adapts the passion toward their blight of imagery.


Here is a link to more on William Jardin:


Treaty of Nanking in 1842:

The Chinese saw their society deteriorate as the amount of

opium and opium dens soared. in 5 years time, from 1831

through 1836, the amount of opium entering into China

went from roughly 19,000 chests to over 30,000 chests per year.

Not coincidentally, the tea trade had gone up nearly

40% in this same time period. However in 1836, a ban

was imposed on importation of opium into China. William

Jardine was one of nine merchants arraigned on charges

by the then Chinese Emporer. He ignored the order and

went unpunished. It would seem the public opinion on the

matter was already formed in favor of Jardine through the

publications of the time. To find out more about this,

read Napier's Fizzle. Interesting to note, is the president

of the United States at the time was Andrew Jackson, who

was known for his outspoken attitude toward the Central

Banking dynasty and England.

Anonymous ID: 7b8287 Dec. 14, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.12030256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357 >>0392


pt. 2


Today's descendants of this trade in America can be found in

several politicians to include John Forbes Kerry as well as the

Roosevelts. Warren DeLano Roosevelt had taken losses in the US

and "Went to China to replinish those losses" - Burton

Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?


The British Central Banking system is at the heart of the

opium trade. It started it and it controls the global drug

trade through it's henchmen in the "Intelligence Services"

often under the guise of investigation. Consder the following

quote by G. Pascal Zachary: "Delano (Frederick, FDR's Uncle)

kept diverse company. He mixed with scientists, architects and

businessmen, while finding time to investigate the opium trade

in Persia and Mayan ruines in the Yucatan Penninsula."

So when you hear an 'authoritative source' tell you that they

are 'investigating a matter', consider that historically this

has meant they are 'conducting the matter to their benefit.'

As I type this, I can't help but think of The British East India

Comany's "Investigation" and prosecution of the Thuggees of India

a murderous secret society that was blamed for near 2,000,000

deaths throughout India during the 500 years span of 1200-1700.

So odd that the British are always, historically, investigating

matters that seem to end up on their front door step. I won't

digress any further on the issue.


Of John Murray Forbes, the great grandfather of Democrat

John Forbes Kerry, "Major financial losses during the panic of

1837 caused him to sail for China once again where he played

a prominent role in the Opium Wars." - Harvard Papers, Forbes



So not only are our political class mere drug dealers, they

are bad businessmen to boot.


The entire Central Banking System is built upon the proceeds of

the drug trade and are heavily linked to China. HSBC Bank is a

focus of that organization as it's acronym, Hong Kong Shanghai

Banking Corporation, which was at the center of the recent

drug money laundering scandal which found none other than James

Comey at the center of it. Right from wikipedia you can find

this line: "HSBC was stared 3 March 1865 in Shanghai, benefitting

from the start of trading into China, including Opium…".

HSBC is the owner of the Dominion Voting Software System.

Here is the patent:


The CIA's origins are founded in Shanghai as well, rooted in

the insurance agent AIG, founded by Cornelius Vander Starr in

Shanghai. AIG acts as an arm of the CIA, as do, I'm sure, many

other insurance agencies. Remember, anytime you hear "investigate"

You need to be thinking, "Investigating to make sure nothing

gets pinned on us."


An interesting article was written by the LA Times back in

2000 by Mark Fritz called The Secret (Insurance Agent) Men.

Here is an exert from that article:


'They knew which factories to burn, which bridges to blow up,

which cargo ships could be sunk in good conscience.

They had pothole counts for roads used for invasion and

head counts for city blocks marked for incineration.

They weren’t just secret agents. They were secret insurance

agents. These undercover underwriters gave their World War II

spymasters access to a global industry that both bankrolled

and, ultimately, helped bring down Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.

Newly declassified U.S. intelligence files tell the remarkable

story of the ultra-secret Insurance Intelligence Unit,

a component of the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner

of the CIA, and its elite counterintelligence branch X-2




So, let's be very clear on this. When Trump says "China" what

he is really saying is "The CIA Operations which are coordinated

out of Shanghai." China is shell-nation much like you can set up

shell companies, it exists to cover the operations of the CIA

from prying eyes.

In 1953, the CIA overthrew Iran to help British Petroleum.

Think about that. Why would an "American Intelligence Agency"

do the bidding of a British Company in a foreign nation?

The CIA is the Gestapo, Secret Security to the British Banking


Anonymous ID: 7b8287 Dec. 14, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.12030508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A shapeshifter can take any form, Anon.

They occupy the shell of "Jew" in the West because that is a safe harbor, poised above reproach. Intentionally so.

Moishe your neighborhood dog groomer is not a cannabalistic despot hellbent on subverting you and your friends to slave class.