Anonymous ID: 0c6d57 Dec. 14, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.12032182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Microsoft exec gets new cyber job at DHS"



Chris Krebs is a Microshit plant.

He knows cyber security. He has the contacts at Microsoft for proprietory info. Solar Wind's code updates likely had to get Mikcrosoft approval as they license Microsoft code.

How do you slip a pwn'd update back to Solar Wind for digital authentication without anyone being the wiser?

The binaries came back from Microsoft stamped A-OK. Why shouldn't Solar Winds trust Microsoft? They're not gonna bork their image?

Krebs drops some crumbs leading to Russia.

And remember Krebs dropped the most secure election ever, and Dominion sits of the CISA board.

This is the Deep States contingency plan to blame Russia and Trump for the hack.

Soon we will hear about strange activity wrt Solar Winds software 11.3 11.4.

This is going to be a DS attempt to frame Trump/Russia.

The big question tonight regards the Texas Rangers/FBI team raiding the Austin TX headquarters of Solar Wind.

Black or White hats?

Anonymous ID: 0c6d57 Dec. 14, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.12032430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Epstein didn't kill himself.

half/pol com hours before "Epstein body found" says Epstein was carted out of jail on a wheel chair.

MIGA tard trannies on half/pol immediately blame Barr after Epstein announced dead. MIGA tards unleash Barr's father-Epstein-School link (but the dates don't work).

Today Barr sends letter to POTUS about spending time with fam. Never mentions resigning. POTUS announces nice meeting with Barr, stating Barr to spend time with fam. Not talk of an ACTING AG. Merely that DoJ number 2 Rosen will be handling AG duties.

Lin Wood makes odd tweets about Epstein being alive.

This all comes right after the Solar Winds hack.

Note well, that Barr needed to keep the Hunter lap top from hell buried, or else POTUS would have won the election even with all the election rigging we've seen to date.

Perhaps POTUS is playing a Trump card to nix the Derp State Solar Winds hack.

Dis movie gettin guud