Any patriots finding it impossible to find work or is it just me? and if so, how long and what field are you in?
Does anyone think jobs will come back before the end of the year in IT? When you consider FB DOJ lawsuit says they were denying US citizens over foreigners to the tune one 1/2 billion a year in annual salaries then you multiply that by 1000 fortune companies things look irreparable.
Yeah, that's all I have left, 8 hours a day looking for work, they own it all from your ISP, job boards, to the actual small and large tech shops.
I write code that writes code and I can assure you that AI won't be writing code for a long time.
big retailers are deep state. I was with my wife at Macy's they made an announcement about looking for workers by the time we went to the car to pick up resume and walk into HR there were no jobs. They just mock us, evil cabal
They have been using our open source technology against us, AI, facial recognition, etc… Last job offer I had was for Solomon Brothers owned by Citi, bin Talal. They were the floor under Cantor Fitzgerald in the WTC and owned most of building 7. I was solicited for $350k to start on Sept 10th 2001. No Coincidence.
Thank you but I would wind up killing some of these arrogant Doctors who kill people when family aren't around. Spent 4 years defending my fathers life from these people, the VA finally won.
Sad state America is in. All planned before 911. I applied for an outdoor patio manager but they had 372 applicants only paid $14/hr