I'd prefer this earth hurl along in it's orbit devoid of all life rather than to continue to sustain life devoid of all truth and justice."
>>12034456 PB
>If not for Jews and blacks this world be a literal utopia. When left to their own natural instincts, whites don't defend their own, they extinguish all depravity regardless of relation.
No truer words have ever been spoken.
Muslims & Jews are basically Pharisees vs Sadducee's. Mud people's gonna shark.
My dentist asked me my secret to being the only person she has ever seen my age with zero cavities. Did I avoid all sugar?
No I whispered, I have only used fluoride free toothpaste for the past 20 years. She failed to ask any follow up quesions. That was almost 10 years ago and the last time I went to a dentist.
My last dentist was a member of the tribe. I've been tortured enough.
Good Juden is not going to save us from Bad Juden, ever period.