Anonymous ID: 2a5438 Dec. 15, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.12038643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8646 >>8651 >>8658 >>8717 >>8756

“Thank you for all you have given us lord. Thank you for all the great American patriots and President Donald J Trump. Thank you for the last 4 years as you have sifted out the greedy and deceitful. Thank you for opening the eyes of so many. As we continue fighting to keep the final flame of hope and light alive I humbly ask for your help. We cannot do this alone. Please protect us and watch over us, help guide those that are lost, revitalize those who are weary, and give strength to those who are weak. The final push is now at hand Lord and the darkness is thicker than ever. Please guide our spirits to the truth so we can see behind the curtain of evil. Please give us the righteous justice of old and hold all who are evil accountable. Please protect our friends, coworkers, and families from the darkness Lord. Through you all things are possible. Amen.”