anon is stealing that meme
>>12038679 p Facebook Complicit in Surge of Counterfeit Sales Online
AMZN is tailor-made for bootleggers.
biden/harris is really obama/clinton, it would seem.
anyway, keep running your mouth, bitch.
anything you say can and will be used against you.
Anon is favorably disposed to PByrne but which 3 letter agency is Patrick the creation of, again?
This is a plot to get rid of Mr. Pig, isn't it.
>The more you know
we know you're a comp'd shill ass maggot usurping the blood, sweat and tears of Patriots.
those are incidental, symptomatic effects.
depopulation makes no sense.
what slaveholder wants fewer slaves?
but logic has ne'er been the strong suit here.
anon understands that tools "think" with tools' programming.
you have been an employee (to the extent that you've worked).
you are not equipped to reason as manager of capital.
hint: don't start a paper route.
the slaveholder has everyone under house arrest already.
the last time the slaveowner had to deal with any sort of rebellion, it took 25,000 well-placed operatives to oppress 180,000,000 slaves.
playtime in effect
babysitters: make sure the little shits clean up for Nightshift. Godspeed.