Anonymous ID: 4f2596 Dec. 15, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.12040678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0735 >>0737 >>0753

Fucking board won't let me upload videos or screen cap of THIS thread so…here ya go!



BREAKING:"@PatrickByrne, former CEO of, claims that he was complicit in facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton in the amount of $18M [on behalf of the FBI] in January, 2016. The bribe, which she accepted, was then going to be used by members of the Obama…"


2/ administration against Hillary after she was elected. As it was later explained to him, “President Obama has his people across the federal bureaucracy at this point, but especially at the Department of Justice. Hillary Clinton is going to be President for 8 years and nothing…


3/ is going to change that, but think of there being a Bunsen burner within the DOJ. That evidence about the [2] bribes you were a part of gathering is going to be sitting on the Bunsen burner. The hand sitting on the burner is going to be one of Barack Obama’s people.


4/ If Hillary is a “good girl” and defends Obamacare, that flame stays low. If she’s a “bad girl” and thinks for herself, that flame is going to get turned up high. That way Barack Obama is going to manage Hillary Clinton for the 8 years she’s President, and then…


5/ when she steps down, Michelle is going to run.” Claims it was called “Operation Snowglobe” [dubbed by Obama + Brennan] so that once Hillary stepped into it, they would be able to “shake her up” at any time during her Presidency, if needed.Says that Durham and Barr were aware…


6/ of it.


Byrne stated there was an additional Hillary bribe prior to the one listed above, which was in the amount of $20M [involving the country of Turkey] and occurred in the fall, 2015.


This shocking claim was made in an interview with @annvandersteel.

Anonymous ID: 4f2596 Dec. 15, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.12040799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0814 >>0823 >>0836 >>0841 >>1057


>yep I saw that short portion of the interview.


>What a shitshow. Pull the plug on this thing already. It's toast.



"If you missed it, @SharonGBlack wrote a detailed article about @PatrickByrne back in October, and we interviewed him on the podcast in long form twice, where he went into detail about his story."


Patrick Byrne: The Story Behind the Clinton Bribe

Editors note: The following account was taken directly from the blog post written by Patrick Byrne on his website, Deep Capture. Although UncoverDC has summarized the story, we highly recommend reading it in full here along with its substories. Please devote the time to read this, and come to your own conclusions.


On August 22, 2019, (now former) CEO of Overstock, Patrick Byrne, appeared in a series of major media interviews, where he alleged that the FBI engaged him to rekindle a relationship with a Russian woman named Maria Butina – even though Byrne had informed the FBI he was worried at the time that she may be attempting to contact various political figures on behalf of Russia. Maria Butina plead guilty in December of 2018 to one count of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign official. She was arrested six months earlier in July. Butina was released this past October and deported to her home country of Russia.


However, that wasn’t the only thing Byrne said in his appearances.


For approximately 14 months Byrne kept the major details of his interactions with the FBI hidden, but about ten days ago in a long and detailed blog post on his website, he relayed stunning information about his past and his involvement in what has now come to be known as Spygate. UncoverDC will recount the major points here, but recommend reading the post in its entirety.



Patrick Byrne went to Washington, DC to expose Wall Street by stating he believed there was a crack in the national capital market’s settlement system which led to 200 indictments and more than 100 people went to prison. He spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and also the FBI.


During that time he had several meetings with then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter. In one such meeting, he walked into a room and there was “a group of Senators waiting for [him], led by Chairman Specter”. Byrne goes on to explain the meeting, “They made a speech. They told me that if one understands the Constitutional structure, one understands that the Senate Judiciary Committee is the bulwark that protects rule of law for the USA. That is because the Senate Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction regarding corruption in the USA (‘anything touched by a civil or criminal penalty’). The Senate Judiciary’s authority to look into corruption trumps the authority of anyone else in government. And given that pretty much any activity one can imagine could be touched by a civil or criminal penalty, in practice this all adds up to the following: in the name of stopping corruption, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee has the authority to look into anything in the United States of America that it desires.”


Byrne continued, “With senators from both parties standing around me nodding, Chairman Specter told me they agreed with me, they thought that I was right about what I had been saying publicly with increasing volume over 2005-2006, that some form of systemic corruption was taking over the United States government. They were not even sure what it was, but that it was like it was a foreign nation subverting our government yet they could not pinpoint it, and they had learned that it could not even be fought from within the government.”


Byrne stated that during this meeting they told him they were giving him a “blanket immunity” by showing him a letter that is being kept in a safe in the DOJ. They held the letter up so he could read it but he was not even allowed to touch it. This letter states, as Byrne recalls, that until his death, “The first paragraph had language about their growing concern that some kind of deep systemic corruption was infiltrating and corrupting the federal institutions of the United States. The second paragraph started with a sentence along the following lines: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary requests that Patrick M. Byrne be afforded extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States of America to pursue his activities investigating and disrupting corruption within the federal government.” Byrne added, “Chairman Specter said, ‘This is not a pardon, you can’t go kill anyone, but for the rest of your life this letter is going to be sitting in a safe at the Department of Justice, and it will make it extremely unlikely any prosecutor is going to touch you in the future’.”


