Don't know about the sex shit, but he has verified CCP connections.
"A group of Chinese nationals infiltrated the 2016 campaign of North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, having been identified in a number of photographs taken at Democrat Party Headquarters on Election Day 2016. Included in the group is a Marxist political strategist and Chinese influence agent with direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party and high-level Communist Chinese think tanks."
"Pictured among the group of Chinese nationals is Zheng Zhifa, a Marxist political strategist with direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party and high-level Communist Chinese think tanks. Zhifa, who traveled to the United States from China as a member of the North Carolina Chinese Scholar Exchange Association (NCCSEA) at Duke University, had close access to North Carolina Democrats throughout his time in the United States, often through his relationship with John Wei, also pictured. On election night, Zhifa was photographed alongside Roy Cooper several times, including in a shot displaying a Chinese-language newspaper purported to be an edition of the China Press, a newspaper tied to the Chinese Communist Party that will be addressed later in this article."