Anonymous ID: c51c71 Dec. 15, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.12041680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1706 >>1715 >>1766 >>1822

Have Anons seen this sort of message about 'community experience' on the comment sections of news sites?


Very much NOT self-aware these people are.



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Found it on a news site reporting on COVID-19 cases which is based on PCR tests which test neither for a virus, nor for infectionk nor for an illness. 'Confirmed' means a second PCR sample was tested. Also when you dig a bit you find that hospitalizations and ICU cases were for the far greater part NOT based on an illness, i.e. COVID-19, but rather on at least one and usually two or more 'co-morbidities' with far greater impact than whatever the PCR result suggests politically.


Clinicians ought not to use PCR as a diagnositic tool. It is a manufacturing process to produce gene sequences for lab research and for forensics. Everything PCR is tainted. EVERYTHING.


New COVID-19 cases in Ontario exceed 2,000 for the first time in the pandemic

Anonymous ID: c51c71 Dec. 15, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.12041706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1760



Also watch for how the news reports cite cumulative 'cases' or deaths which means they carry over and continue counts from LAST WINTER. Ordinarily, there is a rest during the summer and a NEW WINTER begins with a NEW COUNT started.


But, of course, COVID-19 fearmongering is not ordinary practice. Yeh, EXTRA-ORDINARY times, this COVID SITUTATION is.

Anonymous ID: c51c71 Dec. 15, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.12041877   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They conflate the virus with the sickness. SARS-2 with COVID-19. There misdirections are like spells.


Doctors normally see a patient, listen to complaints of ill-health, check for symptoms - LIKE RESPIRATORY ISSUES - and make an initial diagnosis. Where tests can help confirm aspects or the whole of the diagnosis - such as with blood tests after heart attacks - then a test is recommended. NOT REQUIRED. Overall, the process is patient-centered. Doctor focusses on the patient and potential maladies being suffered.


Here the process is inverted. The patient is not a patient when ordered to go for this PCR assay. The test is not a test for infection; not a test for illness as the virus has not been purified/isolated and so cannot be said to exist in all patients who have COVID-10; and that malady, COVID-19, is so ill-defined that there is not one definitive symptom nor a list of clustered symptoms that define the illness. The ambiguities are ripe for mis-diagnosis and can lead to overlooking toxins and other contagious diseases.


In fact, I suspect toxins rather than a virus has been at play, big time, in most of the so-called outbreaks early on. Now it is just a question of PCR outbreaks which renders the whole business as DISINFORMATION given the outrageous public profile of the 'results' of PCR.