Oh, but the perpetuation of BLM and antifa by you fucks has led to, what, rainbows and cuddling? Also THERE IS NO QANON! Q. Anons. Lying liars and the lies the tell. Vice. Yes you are.
CNN is starting to sound like Saddam Husseins’s mouthpiece as tanks rolled by. KEK.
No. POTUS remains POTUS. Biden being installed as President puts Patriots in an impossible quandary where they are forced to act. Once tgat happens, there is no turning back. To keep the nation sovereign and to prevent large scale bloodshed the military will intervene when the time comes.
This is the way (plan.) Trust God and your fellow Americans and Patriots. Pray. We’ll get there together fren.
It’s all bluff and show. They’ll never do it. Lawsuit=discovery=death by hanging. If I were Rudy I would BEG them to sue me.
Ya down with CCP? Fuck no, not me! KEK