Anonymous ID: c7fed0 Dec. 15, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.12043363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


say what we will about Fox being bad (and they most definitely are), but they pretty much invented this style of graphic (or so I'm under that impression), as all other mainstream media are in synch on their burying of certain kinds of big stories and have never been incentivized to report on other media ignoring a story, as they were all included in that category.


As far as the left wanting to report about a Fox or Brietbart or whatever controlled oppo right-wing media not reporting on some big story that damages the right, their case would be weak, because while a Fox may cover negative Trump stories LESS than CNN and MSNBC, they still cover them considerably.


Left-media's version of the graphic would have to be something like Fox only covered "Russia, Russia, Russia" for a combined 153 minutes last week, whereas we covered it all BUT 153 minutes last week.