This is a special message we feel and very important to bring through to all of you. This is a message that has significance and importance to all of us from the higher realms, especially the angelic high kingdom and along with Lord Ashtar and his command, it holds a lot of weight.
We thought although things are looking more bleak out on your planet and although you are feeling what we’re going to talk about but we thought we’d bring through this sort of we’re going to say special announcement for all of you.
Three days ago a call went out from the highest divine beings to all the 144 000 angels that are on this planet that are in human form. They were called to hold their swords of light up and then an another call went out to all the children of light that were awake to also raise their swords of light and all those have come online that know what’s going on were called to actually raise their swords and hold their swords up, their light swords as they were called the 144 000 angels and as the children of light were called to do this as well and we’re going to say that the 144 000 angels are in physical form.
You may not know what you were doing but your higher self and your truth and what you really are at your divine form, I’m going to say at your true divinity knew what to do but we saw the 144 000 angels and human forms raised their swords of light and all the children of light that were awake raised their swords of light and this channeler did witness as she raised up as well.
She witnessed as we witnessed this, we’re going to say, waves of light go out and around your planet and it was not like the angels would push light out it was on a wave. It went out and it did connect all of you together with your sword.
The entire planet lit up then the angelic round pushed the highest frequency Christ consciousness light through the planet as well. It illuminated all of you that were standing there and holding your swords of light and the 144 000 angels that were doing actually what they came to do.
They jumped into physical form to do just what we witnessed them to do. It was miraculous. I know that you don’t feel it down there but it was miraculous then we witnessed herald angels which do come. They’re very big and formed white angels and they blew from their horns and the angelic realm cheered because at that moment with all of you participating whether you realized it or not your higher selves were doing the work that they came to do this planet was actually changed from the dark to the light.
Although a lot of you are seeing this very dark agenda roll out, your planet switched three days ago. You switched, you became a planet of light. Those that jumped into the physical form did their job. Now the 144 000 angels are going to be called upon again and there will be more children of light that do raise their swords up in light, you know high when they are called on.
They will connect the entire planet but you change from the dark to the light. So we do not think that you do know this but the entire angelic realm sang out in unity, they clapped, they were joyful, all the councils of light were so happy because this was needed for all of you to actually ascend, this was needed for all the dark to actually be taken off this planet once and for all.
You had to switch out of the dark realm and you had to switch into light. So we talked about a lot of light being sent down to the planet waves of light. This channeler talks about a lot of other channelers talk about waves of light coming through but you actually as an embodied planet, we’re gonna say, as humans you had to switch to the light.
You actually switched out of dark reign into light reign which means now you’re never going back down to that third dimension all of you are actually holding really firmly on this fourth dimension that are going. There’s going to be a lot of dark humans that are still going to play out their dark reign but they’re not ascending, they’ll be playing them out until they don’t when they leave this planet and they will be sent off planet to another third dimensional planet where they can keep playing these dark games out, until they actually realize there’s something more to life and that would be light.