Found on fakebook, figured I would pass on. A call to action! Anon had to do some minor 'format edits' to paste here.
"Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and his top deputies pressed other Senate Republicans on Tuesday not to join in with any House Republicans who may object to the presidential election results when Congress meets on Jan. 6 to ratify the decision, a source familiar with the remarks said." - NewsMax Dec 15 2021
Well, might I encourage everyone with Republican Senators in their state to call/write them and respectfully ask them to challenge the electoral result on Jan 6, 2021. These Senators must display a lot of courage to go againced the power estblishment and leadership, risking committee assignments, etc. There are tens of millions of patriots in this country rightfully ticked off at the events going on now. It is my hope a few million patriots actually follow through with this campaign. Apathy is a easy trap to fall into, and allows for a convenient excuse not to act. Does this apply to you?
The likes of Mitch Mconnell, among others, are THE poster-children for the need of term limits. It is the time for regular citizens to do their part in perserving this Republic! And yes, it requires YOU to do some work, commit some time, do some research, buy a stamp, make a phone call to YOUR Senators. This effort is not a simple click, copy and paste endeavor. And let your Senator how you feel. Again, I implore you to be respectful.
There are only 3 short weeks to the Janurary 6th congress! Let us stand up now! Make your voices known. Let them know whom they represent. George Washington led his troops across the Deleware River on the night of December 25th 1776. Let us move that date up few days, and 'cross our Deleware' now.
For those reading this, and are concerned about the many court losses we have endured. Do know, almost all these losses were incurred by percieved "process" issues, cowardice displayed by judges, or outright corruption. I do not know of any case yet, where ACTUAL evidence was introduced. If there are any, it is few.
Copy n paste, and/or share! Please!