>>12043486 pb
Can't say that I disagree with any of the anons here. POTUS and the Team have to know that this is for all the marbles. Fail here? It's done. I keep reiterating, almost daily, that if Q & Team were willing to do the "unthinkable" back in 2016 then this option not only has to be on the table now, it has to be a viable and operational mission now. The democrat party and the rinos in the republican party are a "Clear and Present Danger" to the health and well being of the Republic. This is no less dangerous, no less lethal than if our foreign enemies launched an attack on the Homeland. China owns these motherfuckers. From the way things are shaping up it appears that POTUS is going to have a damn good chance for his electors in the House to contest the certifications from the states that were stolen. Electors from those states are going to contest. Need some Patriots in the Senate to do the same. It may well lead to the House deciding the Presidency and the Senate the Vice Presidency.
As one anon states, Take out their comms, shut down the media, turn it all off and then………………..take their FUCKING ASSES OUT. ALL OF THEM. This has gone on long enough. There has to be consequence, severe consequence for those that have sought from day one, to implement this coup d'etat against a duly elected, sitting President. This kind of 3rd World, ShitHole Banana Republic phuckery cannot go unanswered. It has to be dealt with and dealt with in such a way that it never, ever happens again. Problem is, it will happen again and again and again if the chinese owned democrats are ever given power again. They are a known quantity now as we all know and for many of US have known, that these people are a cancer and this cancer has to be excised and eradicated.
There is nothing easy or simple about this. It is a Risk-Reward evaluation. It all will come down to whether or not the Reward outweighs the Risk and if POTUS has the balls and the support of the Military. The Civil War, WW1, WW2 and any other endeavor the United States has undertaken to preserve the Republic, our freedom, our liberty in my opinion, has always been worth whatever risk there iwas. If it is not, then tyranny and despotism should be invited in and embraced because at that point, we will deserve nothing less if we are not willing to stand up and do what millions upon millions have done, many who gave EVERYTHING, to defend and preserve this Republic. 1-20-2021 is the Drop Dead Date. It comes and Biden is inaugurated and the two marxist wannabes steal Georgia again, we will have our answer. We will know for certain, that Q was a fucking LARP ASS psy-op against US, not for US. Plan Z happens. Not if, but when. I will not live on my knees at the behest of any motherfucker on this planet. I don't think I am alone in that sentiment.