as it should make everyone say what the actual fuck is going on here
so guise
old fags
I got
trips and dubs
same bread
not a brag
just pointing out the TOPIC=
digits do not lie
day that mcconnell calls biden president elect
>>12044066 dubs face and hands all fucked up like he was beat the fuck up October 23, 2020 days before Presidential election
>>12044111 trips with creepy images
>>12044138 says NO health problems when asked about hands
>Asked whether he had any health issues, McConnell answered, “of course not,” and then didn’t respond when asked if he was being treated by a doctor.
>Later, McConnell — who is up for re-election — said there were “no concerns” when asked by the network about the bruises on his hands and whether he had any other health issues.
and today mcconnell says joe biden is president elect out loud
the mcconnell image with the fucked up right hand is creepy as fuck symbology with the china virus mask
especially adding in the joe biden molesting his grandaughter breasts video from years ago when mcconnell and his ife elaine were at mcconnell swearing in
all pb