The context you dumbshit.
Take that and JFKJr back to Reddit.
Good Morning anons!
Christmas suicide surge is a myth, but what about the January rebound?
Nevertheless, some research has found evidence to bolster the Christmas-suicide idea. A 2014 study in Queensland, Australia, looking at the years 1990 to 2009, found a statistically significant increase in suicides on Christmas Eve and New Yearโs Day.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Friday, January 1, 2021
anon please add
Multiple strains with varying lethality
Multiple releases over geography and time
Media cooperation through Bill Gates Event 201 'simulation'
Anon, This is about petro/chem/energy-based currency.
Say it with me Chyna.
Whoever owns the next implemented cryptosystem will rule the world w/ Quantum A.I. currency. Global taxation on every transaction.
A wicked generation seeketh a sign, but no sign will be given except that of Jonah.
It will be biblical meansโฆ.IT IS IN THE BIBLE.
The confrontation between good & evil.
David Goliath
Fuck that fake jooo muppet.
You need to 'dig' on fake jooish 'wisdom' myths perpetrated by Hwood G. Lucas & S. Spielberg.
Why would an 'anon' try to galvanize 'new lurkers' against the board that Q identified as the 'Never Center' of the internet?
Imageboards are where most all the bullshit memes you enjoy on fakebook & social media originate.
You are displaying a shill tactic by trying to cause division in what you describe as a 'cult'.
GTFO with your glownigger shit, fb8e85.
Yes, the data between counties especially the lethality in Itlay.
EVERYTHING is testing 'positive' of Covid19 because the CDC is instructing the health advisors to calibrate the machines very low.
This is a democrat money grab.
When the money is gone (Dec 31st) the 'pandemic' will end.
*It is just a coincidence that the 'vaccine' is released near when the deadline (Dec 31st) on the Covid relief money approaches.
Coronavirus is the common cold.
They weaponized the common cold and released a more deadly strain of viruses in specific locations.
Good point.
The same amount of people have dieded in 2020.
300,000 EXTRA people are not dead.
MI cadence.
This board used to be about debate?
You are a retarded faggot.
This is a self-policing 'free thought' forum.
If anons don't like or agree with your faggot theories you are yelled down. If your theory is liked, it's notable.
You are a lying retard and trying to cause division shill.
Now GTFO with your Reddit spacing.
There are higher death rates in other countries.
Medical protocols in the USA nix more powerful strains that would by design be less contagious to avoid a real global pandemic.