Anonymous ID: 6621d4 Dec. 16, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.12052492   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sundance at CTH opines about Mitch's position. So, Paul had better put himself in the role of a Senator that disputes a state's electors. Cruz has intimated as much also. There's certainly loyal Reps in the House. So that much is taken care of at least.


There's some fuckery that Pence can do as the presiding host of the certification. But there's some things he can do AGAINST Trump but not much he can do FOR Trump. If the two chambers disagree on the dispute then it's the respective governor's certified electors that vote. That's also not in favor of Trump.


I think the only chance for a political solution to this mess is for SCOTUS to remove the electors from the disputed states. The House would then vote, by state, for POTUS, which does favor Trump. I cannot imagine that SCOTUS will do this though unless there's a massive amount of evidence.


I'm still confident Trump will be president on 1/21. But I still don't know how we get there. More and more patriots are calling for martial law and/or invoking his EO. Perhaps there's something with Ratcliff's foreign interference report. If Trump does anything to sway these results he'll be accused of committing a coup. Not saying he is but that's what the narrative will be.


Anyway, fuken essay here. But thinking aloud helps me think. Anons haven't gamed this out other than to be dicks about watching the plan unfold. I've seen nothing that indicates how we get from here to 1/20