>How in the ever-living fuck could Lin think Barr was a just an honorable man, and be miffed about Epstein being dead?
What if, for the sake of argument, Lin is right on both counts. Barr is honorable and "It would be great if Epstein wasn't dead"? Meaning, he isn't dead but in witness protection.
Maxwell was the higher target here. She was the helicopter pilot. Trained to pilot a submarine. Not long after Epstein disappeared, she was arrested. Epstein was a high profile target. So he had to "go". But she flies under the radar and it seems they can hide her more easily. Epstein was in the news almost everyday, but she has virtually disappeared.
Barr is also high profile. POTUS sparred with him a few times as a "do nothing" just to keep the media off his back. All for optics. If Barr had so much as looked in the direction of the Cabal, Pelosi, Schumer, et al, would have stonewalled him at every corner. So POTUS wanted to take the spotlight off Barr just long enough to let him finish his job. They have Epstein out of the picture. His name could be Bob or Tom for all we know. He becomes a fountain of evidence. Protected from the Clintons. Barr steps aside so that an acting AG can step in. Acting officials do not get nearly the focus as appointed. Then we can see some real fireworks. The Scaramucci model. We will end up with an acting Defense Secretary, Assistant Defense Secretary, AG, Deputy AG… The Pentagon has been gutted from the top. And on January 5, 2021, one day before Pence sits down with a joint session of Congress to read the vote, the C_A has all their material support taken from them by the Pentagon.
So what I'm saying is that Lin could be playing this from both angles. He could be saying that Epstein is really alive just to cause PANIC to the enemy. Or Epstein could be dead and he's saying it just to throw it out there to see how they react. Moves and Countermoves. If the seed is sown that Epstein is still alive, you can bet that it will cause a reaction to the people who did business with them. And I would imagine that all of those people are under heavy surveillance.