Anonymous ID: 1f70d4 Jan. 4, 2021, 2:33 p.m. No.12315246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5910 >>6442


Please, please, please. Pres Trump, please stop this covid stuff. They have my partner and will not allow visitors nor partners of 15 years answer or provide information because they're soooooo busy. Atlantic General eastern shore sure didn't seem busy since I waited well over 2 hours cause he was getting covid tested. I was escorted to my car after a one minute visit my partner though unconscious. I think the armed security agent with a silver badge had a gun too. Supposedly my partner tested Negative for covid. I do agree that he may have pneumonia and sepsis. They didn't even ask me for his id or insurance info and I arrived after the ambulance. He had 100 oxygen level upon entry of the ambulance. EU said he had so much carbon they had to put him on a respirator in a special room with a pressure feature.


THIS HAS TO STOP. They wouldn't even talk to his Doctor's Assistance (after 4 hours and calls I finally spoke with her…). The hospital didn't want his medical records. The nurse is taking care of so many people, and the ICU is still full so he's still in the ER after telling me they were bringing him there. He has no ailments, no medications, other than supplements/vitamins, except blind and over weight and not speaking well since friday. We were waiting for someone to schedule blood work and a catscan. Our Dr's Assistance said no one had available. This is horseshit!


Do they know my / our political positions? Are we being picked off?

Anonymous ID: 1f70d4 Jan. 4, 2021, 4 p.m. No.12316442   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We were not given a choice and he wouldn't be allowed in unless he had one. We know the HOAX & HEIST.


He does have an infection and antibiotics are NOT over the counter. He fell, I tried to help and wacked my back, friends helped me get him up. We were awakening, it went fast…very fast.

We are in the u.s. No one had availability for cat-scan…we were waiting for return call / appts. We needed diagnosis in order to treat. We've read of these options and we have the info, though not printed.


So inhumane…the treatment. My primary interest was my partner. My pain probably came across, pain does that. No interest in finding out about what's been going on…too emotional. bad me. sit down, shut up and don't emote.


why does it keep asking for image?