Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.12054555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4814 >>4830

Fed Leaves All Policies Unchanged, Will Keep QE Until "Substantial Further Progress" Made


Since the last FOMC Statement on November 5th (right after the election and as the vaccine headlines hit), stocks have screamed higher led by inflation-sensitive small caps…


Surging Covid-19 case counts, renewed strain in the labor market and floundering fiscal negotiations - all amid a backdrop of Treasury yields grinding toward the highest levels of the pandemic - are compelling reasons for Fed officials to stand ready to do more., so the big question for today is, will they hedge and enable some easing (extending WAM on purchases) as StanChart suspects, and/or will The Fed hike its IOER, or will The Fed leave well alone at these stratospherically rich levels - merely promising to do something at some point in the unknown future?




Central bank officials left rates near-zero at their December meeting, and tied bond buying to their employment and price goals.


“The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to support the U.S. economy in this challenging time,” Fed officials reiterated in their December policy statement, released Wednesday afternoon.


The only major change to the statement is as follows:


In addition, the Federal Reserve will continue to increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $80 billion per month and of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $40 billion per month until substantial further progress has been made toward the Committee's maximum employment and price stability goals. These asset purchases help foster smooth market functioning and accommodative financial conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households and businesses.

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.12054580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4613 >>4618 >>4665 >>4668 >>4699 >>4701 >>4921 >>5026 >>5082 >>5124

Ossoff: Republicans Attacks in Georgia Are Racist, Anti-Semitic


Jon Ossoff, one of two Democratic candidates in the Georgia runoff Senate races, Wednesday on MSNBC accused Republicans of running racist and anti-Semitic attacks.


Ossoff said, “I think that the GOP attacks are at this point are garden variety fear mongering, race baiting. Look they’ve been lengthening my nose in their ads to remind everybody I’m a Jew. They have been running racist attacks against Reverend Warnock.”


He continued, “What’s emerging in Georgia is the new South. You have the young Jewish son of an immigrant mentored by John Lewis running alongside a black preacher who holds Dr. King’s pulpit at Ebenezer church. We are traveling this state right now. You see a bus behind me talking about health, jobs and justice. So the GOP can run their play book which is fear and division, we’re talking about what we’re going to do for working people at a moment of crisis here in Georgia.”


Anchor Kasie Hunt asked, “It sounds like you’re saying the Republican attacks are functionally racist and potentially anti-Semitic?”


Ossoff said, “Well when they’re lengthening my nose in their ads and when they are calling Reverend Warnock dangerous, I mean look this is the playbook they have been running since the 1970’s. The GOP southern strategy in the South is to divide people along racial and cultural lines.”

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.12054596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4623 >>4699 >>4705 >>4709 >>4717 >>4921 >>4939 >>4960 >>4970 >>5005 >>5026 >>5082

NY Governor Cuomo Signs Bill Banning Sale & Display of “Hate Symbols”


ALBANY, NY – Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed bill S8298B into law, which prohibits the State of New York from selling or displaying “symbols of hate.”


The bill reads: the term “symbols of hate” shall include, but not be limited to, symbols of white supremacy, neo-Nazi ideology or the Battle Flag of the Confederacy.


The law prohibits the displaying or sale of the ‘symbol’ on and any state property, including fairgrounds and parks.


No further guidelines were written into the bill–nor did it lay out who would determine what symbols would be deemed hateful.


State Senator Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx/Westchester), who sponsored the bill, issued the following statement:


“Symbols of hate have no place in our society, let alone on State property. With the signing of my bill, we are drawing a clear line in the sand. By limiting hateful symbols from being glorified on State property, New York will denounce images that represent violence while still acknowledging our nation’s shameful history of oppression. This bill allows New York State to lead by example, and discourage the perpetuation of symbols that do not represent our values of justice and inclusion. Today we say no to hate.”


The law takes effect immediately.


So are laws just made up by dictators now?

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.12054780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4806 >>4921 >>5026 >>5082

Serious allergic reaction to COVID-19 vaccine reported in Alaska



A health worker in Alaska was hospitalized after suffering a serious allergic reaction to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report.


The person is believed to have suffered an anaphylactic reaction similar to two patients in the UK, three people familiar with the US case told the New York Times.


The worker became ill Tuesday, a day after the new coronavirus vaccine rolled out to all 50 states. They are now in stable condition.


It’s not immediately clear if the person has a history of allergies. Officials in the US are working to learn more about the case.


The shot, developed by Pfizer and German biotechnology company BioNTech, caused an anaphylactic reaction in two health workers in the UK last week.


That prompted UK health officials to issue a warning that people who’ve had anaphylactic reactions to food, medicines or vaccines may not be able to get the COVID-19 inoculation.


One of the British patients who got sick was a 49-year-old woman with a history of egg allergies, Pfizer said. The other was a 40-year-old woman who had a history of allergies to certain medications.


Both carried devices, like EpiPens, to treat anaphylaxis. They have since recovered.


No serious adverse effects were reported in the more than 40,000 participants in Pfizer’s clinical trial.


The Food and Drug Administration, which approved the drug for use in the US on Friday, noted common side effects included headaches, muscle pain, chills, fatigue and pain at the injection site.


Pfizer didn’t immediately comment to the Times on the case in Alaska.

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.12054799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4871 >>4921 >>4943 >>5026 >>5082

Oath Keepers Refuse to Recognize Biden as President, ‘We’ll End Up Nullifying And Resisting’


The Oath Keepers, who are called a militia by the left, will refuse to recognize Biden as President.


The Oath Keepers, which describes itself as a “non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders,” and requires its members to “pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to ‘defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic’”, has announced that it will refuse to recognize Joe Biden as President.


Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, said, “I think about half this country won’t recognize Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognize this election.”


Last month, Rhodes declared that because of the massive and systemic vote fraud and ballot tampering prevalent in the 2020 General Election – and especially in the four contested battle ground states, the organization would not be recognizing Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden as president should the Electoral College fail to do its due diligence.


“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect,” Rhodes continued. “Anything he signs into law we won’t recognize as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the Founding Fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting.”


Had a brief discussion with Stewart Rhodes, founder of the far right Oath Keepers militia, about alleged voter fraud. He says he won’t recognise Biden as president and will resist enforcement of any law he passes.


— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 14, 2020


The idea of “resistance” is not unique to the Oath Keepers.


Throughout the Trump presidency declarations of “resistance” – punctuated with a #Resist – peppered the entirety of the political Left with even many Progressive and Democrat elected officials adopting the notion.


The radical Left even went to far as to advance the “not my president” idea as a political movement even as the media ran interference for their Alinskyite tactics by diminishing the President’s accomplishments and promoting his detractors’ criticisms.


The Oath Keepers did not walk away from their declaration unscathed. The Independent attempted to label the constitutionalists as “the largest militia group in the US” and “an armed right-wing organization.”


The caustically Progressive Anti-Defamation League, which veered from its organization’s charter of purpose long ago, describes the Oath Keepers as “heavily armed extremists with a conspiratorial and anti-government mindset looking for potential showdowns with the government.”


It appears that to the Progressive and Marxist-Left, an organization that – at its root – is dedicated to the protection of the US Constitution is “radical.”

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.12054817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4858 >>4921 >>5026 >>5082

FREEDOM: Mexico’s President Says COVID Lockdowns Are ‘Dictatorship’


AMLO describes supporters of lockdowns as having "authoritarian instincts"


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has described coronavirus lockdowns as “dictatorship” during a recent press conference with reporters.


He described such lockdown measures as “fashionable among authorities … who want to show they are heavy handed, dictatorship”, according a report by the Associated Press.


He went on to claim that the advocates of such measures have “authoritarian instincts” and do not respect the freedom of the Mexican people.


“A lot of them are letting their authoritarian instincts show,” he stated. “The fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty.”


López Obrador has strongly resisted efforts to introduce lockdowns and curfews in Mexico, despite the popularity of such measures in other Latin American countries. However, just as in the United States and Brazil, many state and local officials have defied the President and introduced various restrictions at lower levels of government.


For example, the third most populous state in Mexico, Jalisco, currently governed by the opposition left-liberal Citizens’ Movement, has introduced a mask mandate in all public areas. Other states have gone further still, introducing stay-at-home orders and shutting non-essential businesses. Even states governed by conservative politicians, such as Puebla, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas, have adopted strict lockdown restrictions.


During the press conference, López Obrador also spoke out against mask mandates, expressing his belief that wearing a mask should be voluntary.


“Everyone is free,” López Obrador added. “Whoever wants to wear a face mask and feel safer is welcome to do so.”


The Mexican federal government under López Obrador has taken a skeptical attitude towards both the mass use of face masks and mass testing of the population for COVID-19.


Although a hard-leftist, López Obrador has been a prominent skeptic of excessive government power over the course of this pandemic. He also declined to congratulate Joe Biden for over 5 weeks after the November election, citing his own struggles with electoral fraud in the 2006 Mexican presidential election. That election was widely speculated to have been rigged in favor of López Obrador’s opponent, center-right candidate Felipe Calderón. López Obrador has compared his treatment by the media during that period to the treatment of President Trump over the last month.

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.12054838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Treasury Designates Switzerland, Vietnam as 'Currency Manipulators'


Washington reserves the right to label a country a 'currency manipulator' if it has a trade surplus with the US greater than $20 billion, a foreign currency intervention rate higher than 2 percent of its GDP, and a global current account surplus of more than 2 percent of GDP.


The US Treasury formally slammed Switzerland and Vietnam as “currency manipulators” on Wednesday, accusing the nations of deliberately seeking to devalue their currencies against the dollar to gain the upper hand in trading.


The listing, mentioned in the Treasury's semi-annual foreign exchange report, cites the two countries as violators of Treasury criteria "to identify potentially unfair currency practices or excessive external imbalances, which could weigh on US growth or harm US workers and firms."


In retaliation, the US says it will now "press for the adoption of policies that will permit effective balance of payments adjustments" in future negotiations with the countries to eliminate their "unfair advantage."


The US has repeatedly accused Switzerland of manipulating the value of the franc since the Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act was passed in 1988, which required the Treasury to carry out annual analyses of the exchange rate policies of other countries to determine whether they were manipulating their currencies to gain an unfair advantage against the US in international trade.


China, which has a long history of economic conflict with Washington, has been added to and taken off the list repeatedly. The Trump administration added Beijing to the list in mid-2019 before removing it in January 2020 with Phase 1 of the US-China trade agreement was signed.


The Treasury nonetheless continues to include China and other major US trade partners including Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, India, and Malaysia on its “monitoring list.”


Nations listed as manipulators have regularly dismissed the US designations, saying their monetary policies were based on internal considerations, and occasionally accusing Washington of making politicised claims.


The US dollar enjoys a special status as the de facto world currency. For many decades, this has allowed America to buy actual physical goods, services, and commodities in exchange for its own money, while avoiding the negative effects associated with large scale quantitative easing, such as inflation and currency collapse.


Donald Trump has repeatedly sought to reduce the value of the dollar during his tenure as president, getting into spats with the Federal Reserve and demanding that US fiscal authorities take steps to weaken a strong dollar to improve the competitiveness of US goods abroad. At the same time, Trump has failed to tackle the US's massive budget deficits, trade imbalances, and tens of trillions of dollars of federal debt, with financial analysts fearing that the latter may one day lead to a catastrophic economic collapse.

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.12054929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4964 >>5026 >>5082

Hunter Biden in 2017 sent 'best wishes' from 'entire Biden family' to China firm chairman, requested $10M wire


2017 letter asked chairman to 'properly fund and operate' Biden joint venture with Chinese energy company


Correspondence between Hunter Biden and CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming from 2017 shows President-elect Joe Biden's son extending "best wishes from the entire Biden family," and urging the chairman to "quickly" send a $10 million wire to "properly fund and operate" the Biden joint venture with the now-bankrupt Chinese energy company.


The $10 million transfer to the joint venture was never completed.


Fox News obtained an email Hunter Biden sent on June 18, 2017, to Zhao Runlong at CEFC, asking that they please "translate my letter to Chairman Ye, please extend my warmest best wishes and that I hope to see the Chairman soon."


"I hope my letter finds you well. I regret missing you on your last visit to the United States," Hunter Biden wrote in the attached letter, dated June 17, 2017. "Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners."


He added: "We are all hoping to see you here again soon, or in Shanghai."


Biden went on to update Ye, saying that they have "concluded the establishment of SinoHawk Holdings," the Biden joint venture with CEFC, and said he looked "forward" to introducing him to his business associate Tony Bobulinski, who he wrote would "act as the CEO."


"He is a very close friend of James Gilliar and the Biden family and joined our team to focus on the execution of things as a partner," Biden wrote. "He has invested capital all over the world for some of the world’s wealthiest families."


Biden went on to note that Bobulinski had "sent a request to Dong Gongwen [Gongwen Dong] and Director Zang for the funding of the $10 MM USD wire."


"I would appreciate if you will send that quickly so we can properly fund and operate Sinohawk," Biden wrote.


"I am sure you have been well briefed by our dear friend Director Zang on the political and economic connections we have established in countries where you are interested in expanding during the coming months and years," he continued. "I look forward to our next meeting."


Fox News also obtained the response from Ye as part of an email, dated Sept. 6, 2017, from Biden business associate James Gilliar to Bobulinski. That email forwarded Ye's letter responding to Biden. The letter is dated July 10, 2017.


Ye stated that he had arranged for Zang and Dong to "expedite the charter capital input to SinoHawk."

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.12054981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5026 >>5082

Bellingcat reacts badly to scrutiny, but possible ties to Western intelligence should be discussed when considering its work


Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins once attacked journalists for using anonymous sources, citing a lack of “purity.” Now his outfit, which continues to almost perfectly align with UK geopolitical priorities, is reliant on them.


If past form is a guide, it’s likely Bellingcat staffers will attack this article on social media, labelling it “propaganda” and cherry picking one or two sentences, out of context, in a bid to discredit the whole. But the fact remains the journey of their outfit from a supposedly 'open source' investigation unit to something which increasingly resembles a fully-fledged intelligence agency, or a small, public division of a larger, clandestine organisation, deserves examination.


On Monday, the controversial ‘online investigations’ website published a bombshell exclusive, claiming that Alexey Navalny had been closely followed by a host of FSB operatives on his various travels before he was allegedly poisoned with Novichok in August.


The lengthy presentation also suggested that the Russian opposition figure had been closely followed by undercover officers for years prior, the earliest known occasion having been in 2017.


A similarly verbose accompanying article offers an explanation of how Bellingcat seized upon the seismic scoop, in its own words. The narrative amounts to quite some sleuthing indeed, although details of how Bellingcat came across particular information it used to establish the identities and movements of Navalny’s attackers is highly dubious, for more reasons than one.


The organization claims it secured this sensitive information via a number of black market sources, in particular by using “bots” on the Russian-built Telegram messaging app. For a small fee, these bots allegedly stumped up first the phone number and call records of an individual who'd travelled to the same places as Navalny at roughly the same times, then the identities of people they spoke to in the days prior to Navalny’s poisoning, and later one individual’s vehicle registration information, which indicated his car was linked to FSB headquarters in Moscow.


“While there are obvious and terrifying privacy implications from this data market… a few hundred euros [provides] you with months of phone call data for an FSB or GRU officer, allowing investigators to trace the intelligence services’ operations, identify the colleagues of research targets, and follow the physical tracks of spies across Russia and abroad,” Bellingcat stated.

‘Some kind of intelligence unit’


Extraordinary stuff if true, but while the organization’s probe has been praised widely by mainstream Western media, not all are quite so convinced. In a radio interview, Oleg Kashin, a liberal Russian journalist, suggested the scoop was “Western intelligence services explaining to themselves, and us, who poisoned Navalny and how.”


Kashin has “no doubt” the individuals fingered by Bellingcat were indeed behind the apparent assassination attempt on Navalny – he said their “criminal faces” alone indicate they are “absolute killers” and their hands “are covered in blood.” However, he cast doubt on the methods Bellingcat claims to have employed, based on personal experience.


“These pirated databases exist, and there’s a huge market… Dozens of people within a handshake and a half of us, journalists and otherwise, check people up on police databases,” he said. “But there are certain people, you ask a policeman you know to check them up, and he comes back and says there’s a note there, ‘do not check’, so don’t touch them, take back your money. And special service members definitely have that note next to their names. It’s impossible to check them that way.”

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.12055050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5082

FBI Files on the Church of Scientology




Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being. Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes.


Below, you will find FBI files related to Scientology, as released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


Additional files may exist, and that request is still open. For now, you can find what was released below.

Document Archive

Church of Scientology – [1,519 Pages, 749MB]

Anonymous ID: e8529a Dec. 16, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.12055077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5082

The Stargate Collection – CIA Program on Remote Viewing




The Stargate Project was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications, particularly “remote viewing”: the purported ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a great distance.


These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995 and were primarily handled by the DIA and CIA. They followed up early psychic research done at The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), The American Society for Psychical Research, and other psychical research labs.


After many years of fighting, the CIA compiled most of the research material gathered during this program, and compiled it into a multi-disc release stretching 89,901 pages of material.


Although many private companies have aimed to profit off of this publicly available material and charge for access, The Black Vault added the entire collection back in the early 2000s, available free to download below.


Please note: The CIA originally chose the WORST way to catalogue and archive this information – and they did so in thousands of multi-page .tif files.


In December of 2020, The Black Vault converted the original .tif scans into searchable .pdf documents. Both options are available below.

Document Archive

The CIA’s Stargate Collection – Full DVD Contents – 89,901 Pages

.pdf Collection


.zip File Containing 89,901 Pages within 12,301 Files [6.61GB] – Note: This is a large file. It is recommended you right click, and press “save as…” to your hard drive.


.pdf Collection – Browse Directory Tree – Note: This is a browsable directory for the same content of the .zip above. This was added for the ability to browse file by file rather than downloaded a large .zip file.

Original .tif Collection


The following is a list of links to the folders directly from the DVD. Originally, it was released on a collection of 15 CD-ROMs, but later converted to one DVD by the CIA. The files are multi-page .tif files, along with (generally unusable) .txt files of the “converted text.” The process used to convert the documents to text was very poor, and is largely useless. However, they are included for reference.


To view these documents, you will need a viewer that supports the multi-page .tif files (Meaning, one single .tif files can have 400 pages in it to read. If you use the wrong viewer, you’ll only see one page, if anything at all.)


To view them properly, I highly recommend a 100% free program called IRFAN View. Just follow the link, and click DOWNLOAD to install. Then, you can download any .tif file to your computer, and open it with this program.


The documents are catalogued as follows… simply click on the disc, and you’ll be taken to the index of records (It will open in a new window. To return to this page — simply close the pop up window):