COVID Vaccine as a Rapid "Re-education" Program
Considering the relatively higher probability of unknown long term adverse risks associated with these Spike 1 protein directed COVID vaccines, many of us have worried about the optics of Trump being so enthusiastic about getting them out if the Oligarch's cure turns out to be worse than their manufactured disease.
Then, it occurred to me today that the most important thing about these COVID vaccines being released under EUA is that our choice to take them is completely voluntarily, which was NOT the long term goal of Gates et al.
This means that those who believe in the all mighty Corporate State as their savior from cradle to grave are free to accept this shot as their holy sacrament and those of us who still Trust and Think for ourselves are free to refuse it.
Such an approach is brilliant, IMO. This could prove to be the most rapid and efficient “re-education” program ever deployed to teach Americans the discernment and responsibility that comes with individual liberty. For example, if the vaccine turns out to be highly toxic to the most faithful to the unbridled hubris of Moderna et al., then the prospects of mandatory vaccines in the future drops to near zero.