Anonymous ID: 46093b April 26, 2018, 11:15 p.m. No.1206530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6608



Sean Smith played Eve and was quite notable (and Machiavellian in the game)


By day he was an IT guy. Do game personas reflect people's inner personalities? Dunno.


The article is notable, as it details some deception and infiltration under the guise of a pseudo state-department. Useful as open forums (like here!) are always subject to the same.

Anonymous ID: 46093b April 26, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.1206608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6659



Note the article on Sean Smith is from 2013, before many of the revelations aboit Benghazi appeared.


In any case, game comms are not only possible, but probable. They were far less likely to get swept up than emails.


I think back to NoName's poker and the other player's names. "Swamp" was the shocker, although in retrospect it's probably one of his cohorts mocking DJT's (accurate) description of DC.


That tells me the other players were indeed DC folk and of the same mindset and very close to noname. A private cabal, if you will. Considering when the pic was taken (during Syria hearings) it makes comms through the poker game all the more likely.


Did NSA catch any traffic at that time through his chat? Might be interesting reading. The date & time are well-bounded.


Original photo:




EXIF extractable here:

