Now imagine this headline reading “Former President Pedophile Obama who raped multiple children under the age of 5, has been found dead in the streets due to severe head trauma and gun shot wounds.” Now you understand how serious this bomb is. How carefully they need to wait for the right moment. We are boiling, frustrated and ready. Even the general public seems sick of this circus show by the FBI, CIA and others. We are all sick and tired of hearing the left and the Hollywood elite tell us what to think. We started to own the narrative about two months ago. Now with Kanye in the news, more eyes are on this than ever before. Sessions coming out saying Mueller needs to end this investigation. It’s all coming to a head and it’s almost the end of April. The time is now. The public needs to be shifted into a new direction. We are at a point of unstableness. It’s either we have a point of reference to head towards and hope for. Or we continue down this path and that only means, more frustration. More stress. More chaos from the public. The time is now to drop the evidence. Slam the public with info. People are uneasy. We need justice. Here’s to the plan, and hoping the time comes soon.