My Godson plays that. And niece who's 8.
Which concerns me.
I miss the 'muh joos' shift.
The memes are more amusing at least.
Also, I concur that dropped doesn't necessarily mean to us. We are but players in the game, and there are many.
If nothing else…we got to look on in awe as most of the country flipped their collective shit over Syria. (which granted, was some/is some dangerous shit with shills out there still)
I've been in the last few breads wondering if everyone poured bleach in their eyes.
The fuckery….is strong.
Merkel next…should be riveting!
The next time I'm stoned and a cloud passes over my mountain, I blame you for the hilarious hijinks that will likely ensue.
See, you just made the world a more carefree, light place.
Also I laughed my ass off.