This bread you are in, is the correct bread
You have chosen wisely, follow the chain of custody
This bread you are in, is the correct bread
You have chosen wisely, follow the chain of custody
Cope harder, moshe.
I had a bad feeling so I got up..
BV's need to track the custody of the dough before making their assessment.
It should not fall on the Baker to prove beyond sharing the link of their custody.
If you are so inclined to bump the split, give it only a link to the true bread.
You're an idiot, what are you even trying to convey?
Link me the missing pieces.
Oh I see the confusion, you think that Baker removed that.
He didn't, another baker before him did and it wasn't me.
So now that you are ass blasting the Baker, how is he going to take you seriously?
Oh, but I inherited that dough and it wasn't there.
Why don't you just make your shit modular?
Splitting the bake is retard.
If Bakes doesn't include it, doesn't mean they are a shill; you should hear them out, just because someone disagrees with your direction doesn't make them out to be a traitor.
If anything forcing a split bake is more akin to such actions.
Thing is you have a lot of interesting personalities that sort of 'live' online.
Strong egos collide and niggers thrive, so I'm not entirely certain that this Gerbil faggot is a shill.
More so seems like your typical wacked out endchan nigger.
Those guys are seriously paranoid.
His moniker is familiar, I have seen people talking about him throughout Q stuff from time to time..
Mostly when 8chan went kill.
I hope he just comes to conclusion sooner not later, that it's frenz baking.
Oh and comfy bread, bakes.
Not sure, but I think this anon was onto something..