"We're Being Hacked" trending
White hat or Black Hat
this Bossert guy?
Claiming "Russia, Russia, Russia"
I remember him at his first
Press Briefing during Q+'s first
"We're Being Hacked" trending
White hat or Black Hat
this Bossert guy?
Claiming "Russia, Russia, Russia"
I remember him at his first
Press Briefing during Q+'s first
Any tips on how to grab this vid from
NTD or Vimeo to have offline hardcopy
in case of the 10 days thing?
They're NOT posting on YT evidently.
So, that's what those monoliths were about?
hmmm …
Not bad pitch for a concept.
Woulda probs approved it myself.
Pretty good execution.
Backlash might go 50/50.
Got more than just this country
talking, I'm sure, so …
Just checked the link.
Not same.
This vid's 17:54min
NTD/Vimeo Epoch Times vid 1:33:33
Thanks for the link, just the same.
Additional info always helpful.
I looked at it as an
"at THIS moment" like RIGHT NOW
headline, like, he JUST GOT PARDONED
and the FIRST CALL he makes is
to KillDog and he's getting ready to
leave a LIAM NEESON-type message
"You don't remember me? We spoke
on the phone some time ago. I told
"Oh, and btw? PAYBACK'S A BIATCH!"
dude, the m3u8 won't play on vlc
plus it's only like 28.5kb.
obvi i don't know wth i'm doing.
cue Paul McCartney MJ music video
It plays online just fine.
I was referring to the download that
was only 28.5kb as an .m3u8 file.
It all depends on qualifications and expertise
and the job one is being hired for.
Low-level standard grunt/office-type work
would be handled differently from high-level
engineering-ish-type work.