>It dealt with the feed at the bottom of Stichfeild..
Try searching Stitchfield on qresear.ch; it has all breads archived.
>It dealt with the feed at the bottom of Stichfeild..
Try searching Stitchfield on qresear.ch; it has all breads archived.
>We almost entered world war because the C_A was installing nukes 90 miles off our coast
>Do any of us know conclusively Mattis is comp'd?
Apart from his black eye, being on the BOD of Theranos, closely aligned to China, being fired by Trump. no.
I'm sure all that don't mean nuffin.
FFS, that flag was posted on here about a week ago.
Tineye is not necessarily your friend.
Try another image search engine.
Personally, I don't see Mattis returning to favour with anons any time in this lifetime.
Barr, on the other hand …
I just ran a search for rubicon and the second link took me too an earlier bread from today.
Are per chance trying to access links from 8 Chan?
Update stopped at 617