Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Archer!!!!!!! Dec. 17, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.12065544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5553

See what I have learned is everyone acts like your friend but they are not all the people ever try to do is gang stalk you trust is what the FBI and CIA do when you help them… all they do is play good cop bad cop and ruin your life: they send trannies after women after you and everyone… they basically want you to commit suicide or become a useful idiot.


Why should I do anything to help people that constantly are trying to kill me… it is the biggesr joke in the world that can’t even investigate a simple fraud thing with me and I know they watch my bank accounts but they are so retarded and have Down syndrome they cannot even do that. I have to do everything for them. They are all alor of people I guess getting paid to try and get me to kill myself… and they thinking it is a joke.


They can’t stand how bad they look at doing there job so they want to frame me and kill me or black mail me.


Congratulation I hate my life don’t want to live never leave my house or want to talk to people… they call my work and family and all these people to try and make me come out to frame me or try to make me commit suicide.


These people don’t believe in God they are all about trying to make me commit suicide and I did nothing wrong it is about about money… you see they are all about big government abs their pay checks that they need to have foe there soap opera lives… see I don’t have kids and or a wife. Even though I was in goos shape and have the money to buy a house abs have all done that I can’t you know why because they gang stalk me and pay so many people to be around me to frame me… they all are gang stalkers abs when you help them that is what they do they try to kill you… it is the occult abs they will say sorry or blame someone else but that is the truth they are wasting millions of dollars paying their friends to gang stalk me as informants I guess. So every woman even more so is paid and acts like a hooker to try and frame you… so I don’t talk to woman… family they well are being called and told what to do though work or other… but if I say anything they will say I am crazy. All these people do is ruin you life and get paid die it and want to accuse you of everything abs waste government money because they think it is free when it is tax dollars abs I am paying for myself to be gang stalked.


Why do I need enemies when you have friends like this… this is all they ever say we are your friends… no your not. So you can do your job with out me since archer is God or all these guys that talk about crap and go get a degree but are helpless to do anything but sit around to cordinate foe you to be gang stalked. The government only wants to abuse you… never met the cult but all I know is that is what I have learned since this is I am Mk Ultra so when is someone responsible… it is I guess a thing about making them look bad. I guess they want to get me killed so they don’t look bad and pay all their friends to gang stalk me.


Archer though he is the key man fat man he is the worst one for them all black hate communist hacker. They have cameras all in my house like to tell me I am taking a crap when I am.


They all are well the useful idiots I guess wasting money and trying to constantly kill me.


I think they have a fetish with watching me take showers and a shit. And if you look at my porn omg they want to make you feel like you need to cut your wrist right now… why do I drink why do I want to constantly not go out side well the constant gang stalking and yes I am not sure I will ever mentally recover now. See it is ok when the government does it but not the occult.



Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Archer Dec. 17, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.12065752   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Issue I did nothing wrong so now why should I speak. Implying I am like them I played they are guilty and I am guilty… of what being constantly abused but the government and framed.


There is nothing to reconcile about. I did nothing wrong… so hey… I guess when you help people they ruin your life abs want you to kill your self….


All of this is some mental bs… and that is the plan to get you to kill yourself there is no reconciling… for what you took everything from me… and give. Me nothing but try to make me kill my self… there is no reconciliation with gang stalkers.


All of this is just a not a game but real life to try to mentally fuck with you. They say they care they say they are good but really they mk ultra you if you even try to help. Why because they are too stupid to do their jobs. So what do they do frame abs black mail other people to do it for them.


Fat man archer is the biggest edu representative of them all they love giving themselves awards and writing books about their exploits scene plays and so on… but all they do is what you to kill your self… and they say well he must have been guilty then… no reconciliation need to happen when peooe did you wrong only and you did nothing they cannot reconcile with me abs I have no need to with them.


Now I am quite… why because I have learned there is no difference between the occult and government. They all say they are you friends or on the good side but no one is… it is all about the communist money.



Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Dec. 17, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.12065778   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is them trying to imply they have a sex tap on me… so what go ahead I guess black hat hacker is trying to say he is going to black mail me because he illegally filmed me by turning on my camera…


See archer does this he is the one black mailing everyone.


Go the fuck a head…


See Archer is a sick fat fuck…


That is what archer does black mail people the mob political people cartel them all I guess that is his bag he does it for money sex and drugs.



Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Archer does this Dec. 17, 2020, 8 a.m. No.12065857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5876



Extorting people or trying to with black mail… fat man you got nothing on me and every woman in the world is try to frame me:.. now they just gang stalk me to get me to kill myself… they have constantly sent woman after me even more so many young woman abs they are all in it foe the money… let’s all cry for the woman. This is how the occult abs communist China plans to rule the world with people like White Rose out of Mr. Robot the move the China spy cross dresser. Communist promise money revolution gay people they will get free sec changes and be able to adopt kids abs marry… which are social issues that is decided by local governments I have not comment on… they promise Africa. America. Who they call their zombie foot solders drugs to sell and communistic redistribution of wealth yet it never happen… and in reality they are the very people enslaving them. They promise Latin people it is ok to come in and be a lower class with out a citizen ship to be abused in sweet shops abs human trafficked so the local governments and NP abs Chuck or and aoc can life it up. Just watched and look at there life styles… fat man archer is the key figure he blacks males people gives in for so this is a threat. So fucken what.


They have taught woman to cry wolf and they all believe it is about empowerment when it is about black mailing men out of money. Or really anyone that is why so many gay people are in on it… the money they don’t want woman to marry and have kids unless they control them… to be human trafficked.

Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Funny they got shit on me... Dec. 17, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.12065949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They got nothing but me taking a shit abs in a shower… that is what archer does… he is a sick fuck that records people so what you have cameras of me taking a shit or in a shower… or so what I looked at a little porn.


Release what you want the world wants to know what fat man has… archer… everyone knows you black mail everyone cartel mob and gov. It is how you find your sick life style…


Go the fuck ahead what you got you sick fuck because your bluffing just me taking a shit… and showering wher kinda sick fuck does that.


Notice the tweety bird… or Disney characters or Batman or archer the character… they are all sextortion people doe China or other government or the mob.


Archer is a pricey one once they have something they threaten you abs then sell you and your services to other people which is basically human trafficking. I’d they can’t get you they get your family… all is them… I don’t care release what ever you got Archer I guess you love watching people take shits abs watching people to set them up for fat mans money Bey.

Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Archer Dec. 17, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.12066074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Had been paying someone at my work to try and come on to me to try and black mail me but I don’t sleep with woman… they try to get anyone you like as far as looks abs pack the court as Batman would say… Intell agencies have access to all media this way abs can even digitally fake things so what your going to kill me now… or show something or make some meme to try abs make out like I am a bad person… because that is what archer does use everyone abs pays them cryptos… then he abuses them and gets them in on the game…


Go ahead archer or Batman release what you got because all you have is crime on your side… that is why you can’t it is illegal to film people in the bathroom or showering or in their bed room. Their exuse is always woman’s rights when they just get dikes abs trannies to do the majority of the dirty work then they brain wash attractive woman… weather girls ring card models celebs… more so foreign greedy woman to marry rich stupid men to send money out of country and chain migrate then in…


Now they all want out say they where brain washed… they say cake abs candy because they want you to think you can only have sex I’d they allow you to. They frustrate people… soon names will come on the board full names and occupations I have been giving the powers at be time to work this out but they seem to be having to much fun collecting evidence and ruining my life… no woman around me is not in on the game old women with canes you girls below 18 men running around my street neighbors calling to make complaints…


Archer is the one that knows it all he frames the Irish mob me 13 and Italians and so on how do you think he knows abs gets all his money… he does it foe the government… deep state so if I was the mob I would be looking foe archer would you jot too… see I found out because I was able to trade him though white hat means… yet hear he is thrusting to release me taking a shit and in a shower.



Anonymous ID: 3670d0 Archer which I know his name Dec. 17, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.12066170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have him on Reddit selling people as dogs. Also other forums abs sites. Other woman communication using Disney as cover for characters… comic books they all have big bird or other things on… they do this to make you seem crazy… all the people are whores for China money and big tech. Everyone I know is making money… they are hungry so they must eat each other… issue I saved money… of out of bank accounts which is why they want no cash… but love cryptos they do…


Archer is going down for fraud and is going to be investigated along with his neighbors… for giving out banking info on dark web though hacking wifi…


Go ahead destroy more evidence.