the shootings are used to fill up media time to hide the real news ..
you dont need that when you can pump covid fear porn all year long.
the shootings are used to fill up media time to hide the real news ..
you dont need that when you can pump covid fear porn all year long.
the last 3 years have black pilled the shit out me.
It scares me how unattached i have become.
I just want something to happen, even if its fucking bad at this point.
how many major cities are within 300 miles (one tank of gas) of your house?
how do you stop 100 people rushing your property at night because they heard your generator?
how do you stop your neighbor's and friends from killing you because they know how much shit you have in your basement?
good luck anon.
I think we both have a survival mindset and will fair better then most.
but given enough time even the largest and most secure of castles fall.
that scares me the most.
dont fight back, just except what happens.
stay home and pay your taxes.
dont talk about getting together and doing something ourselves..
Q and the magic potus will handle everything while the slaves just sit back and watch for another year of loosing everything.
I see 8 motherfuckers sitting around bullshiting that all get paid 6 figure salaries from our tax payer money
or in other words, business as usual
who is the BP?
well she does the symbolism thing..
why cant we just kill all these rich fuckers and call it good..
no plan just storm the castles and kill all the fucking fake royalty asswipes on this damn planet and start over.
Hey Q.
For old times sake why don't you teach us anon's something.
you say symbolism will be there downfall so teach us what the hidden symbolism they use is, how to identify it, and what it stands for..
this has been almost imposable to look up on the net.
the picture is a plasma discharge that I believe happens before the cataclysm that resets life on this planet back to the stone ages every 12k years or so.
why do the elite warship plasma and destruction?