>I do not expect martial law
>My best advice to everyone, stop date fagging, stop searching for a happening, stop believing every random twitter account claiming big things,
Anon, you just did the same thing^^^^
>I do not expect martial law
>My best advice to everyone, stop date fagging, stop searching for a happening, stop believing every random twitter account claiming big things,
Anon, you just did the same thing^^^^
Will martial law come? Maybe, I don't know.
Will martial law not come? Maybe, I don't know.
Martial law will come,
martial law will not come,
they won't lock us down for covid,
they will lock us down for covid,
poll workers, electors, SC, will do the right thing
poll workers, electors, SC, will not do the right thing
blah, blah, blah
No anon knows anything unless they are Qteam
Nope. Havent forgotten. Point was: when anons say martial law wont come, they are doing exactly what they accuse others of doing who say martial law will come. They are claiming to know what will happen.
To be honest, anon no longer cares whether martial law comes or not. Just ready to get past all the turmoil of this election. Had it up to here with normies calling the pervert Pres Biden